Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Grimison Grandkids

A highlight of the summer for the Pletcher kids is spending time with their cousins. Tom and Nancy Grimison have 15 grandchildren, who were all together on June 23rd for Mary Jane Grimison's birthday party. Shown here are Carly, Samantha, Tom Grimison, Meghan, Nancy, Ryan, Erin Fahy, Allison, Shannon, Tommy, Rachel, Chelsea, Colleen, Mary Jane, Dylan, Tommy, Breanne. This photo was taken by Dennis Huff, and titled "Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show." Rebecca's comment--"a pretty motley crew!" That weekend was the theatrical production of Magical Mystery Mall at the Cocoa Beach Playhouse. Dylan and Ryan seem to be pictured here in costume.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Grimison Family celebrates with Rebecca, 40 years young!

Rebecca's family turned out in force for her 40th Birthday celebration. This group is not one to pass up a party!

Birthday Surprise

Rebecca turned 40 this year with a surprise Booze Cruise with family and friends. The Island Cruise Lines boat mysteriously showed up in the canal for an evening cocktail cruise.

Family Photo for Rebecca's 40th

The kids joined Mom and Dad following Rebecca's 40th Surprise party!

Summer Theatre Production

Magical Mystery Mall at the Cocoa Beach Playhouse.

Proud first year swim competitor

Rachel's first year on swim team.

Ryan completes 25yd backstroke.

Swim team for Cocoa Beach Rec. team

The Snake Catchers!

The Dulaney cousins, Brennis and Cameron hosted a snake hunting expidition in their nature preserve, Uncle(s) Eric and Joe supervise the festivities

Smithsonian IMAX

Aunt Lisa and the kids enjoy the 3D Imax film at the Smithsonian!


Rachel is excited to take a plane ride to Maryland to visit Grandma and Grandpa!

Grandma and Grandpa with the Boyz!

Jim and Sue Pletcher hosted the family for our first summer trip. Here they are taking on some shade at the U.S. Naval Academy

First Annual Service Academy Tour

The first annual Federal Service Academy Summer Tour started this year with the U.S. Naval Academy. The children will visit a service academy every summer, and then when they graduate from high school they will be given an opportunity to choose which institution they intend to graduate from.

Rebecca's Summer Job

Rebecca is a certified ISR instructor and has been teaching infants and children survival swimming. Here she is pictured with World Championship Surfer CJ Hobgood.