Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dylan and You Tube

The Proud finishers

After a 3 month training program, Reb and Geoff complete their first Olympic distance trathlon. Held at Moss Park, encircling Lake Mary Jane in Orlando, the tri was great fun. It consisted of a .9 mi swim in the lake, a 25 mi bike ride, and a 5.5 mi run. Phew!! The weather was grand, and both finishers beat their goal for finishing time.

Rebecca finishes the Wild Man Tri, beating her goal!!

Subtract 5 minutes from the time shown, to determine Rebs time, as 2:55!! She smashes her goal of 3 hours, good job girl!!

Rebecca prepares for the Wild Man Tri

Here is the triathlete donning her wetsuit for the 69 degree swim

Friday, March 14, 2008

Coming this weekend

Rebecca and Geoff will be competing this weekend

Jim and Sue to arrive in Florida to celebrate 50 years!

Here the happy couple is shown on the date of their marriage 50 years ago. Celebrations will include a family/friends dinner to commemorate this milestone event. This meal will be held at Silvestro's in Cocoa Beach, FL on March 26th at 5 pm. Check out for more info.

Fire Lizard at the Pow Wow

Two Little Braves enjoy State Pow Wow

Ice Lizard and Fire Lizard posing at the pristine site of the 2008 Indian Guides Pow Wow in Spirit of Suwanee campsite, near Live Oak, FL.

Rachel enjoys Mother Goose Brunch with teacher