Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Indian Guides Campout April 2008

We had an exciting campout at KARS park with the Y-Guides. Much fun was had in the war games, and all around Florida kid fun in the great outdoors. Ryan was awarded his 1st Eagle Feather after earning all his others.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mom and Dad finish the canoe trip

Dad and the Camp Princess

Rach and Ry prepare to canoe

At the headwaters of Juniper Creek, Ocala National Forest

Kids find a remote spring a the headwater of Juniper Creek

Cocoa Beach kids tandem flip

In a Florida swimming hole in the country, Dylan and Brock show the locals how we kick it in CB

The canoe makes lanfdall

After a scary collision with a large Florida lizard, Reb makes landfall for lunch.

La Familia at Juniper Springs

The family enjoyed a great campout with some of the other Yawlies, and friends of Yawlies over spring break.

Dylan Jams by the campfire!

Dylan and Big Wave Dave blast out some rock and roll favorites. Dylan made his first public appearance this night simultaneously singing and playing. He is always inspired by Dave. All were impressed with Dylan's musical talents

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Theatre Production

Dylan plays "Timmy Foster", who is later abducted by aliens in the CB Playhouse production of When Aliens Invade. He eagerly awaits the summer production and camp.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Birthday Cake awaits

Grandpa turns 78

A birthday celebration is held for Grandpa, as his family lovingly surrounds him to honor 78 years. 50 of them betrothed, that celebration was earlier in the week.

Rachel is in Florida Today article

Follow this link to Rachel's newspaper debut:


Grandma, Grandpa, and her big brothers attend restaurant opening!!