Tuesday August 11th
I finished a 3 day trip in the afternoon and went home to CB to retrieve the family for our 3 day mini-vacation to Washington D.C. We flew non-rev on SWA, and had a fun/successful night flight. The kids really enjoyed flying at night since it was their first night flight. We usually try to non-rev in the morning, so we have more options for “missed flights” The kids were all fascinated by the lights of Orlando, and the flash of distant lightning in the clouds. We were met in D.C by Aunt Lisa and shuttled to Rockville, MD. Grandma was awakened, and said hello to all.
Went to visit Dad/Grandpa this morning, then had lunch with Grandma at the Stained Glass Pub, a favorite of the kids. Also, we went to Wheaton Regional Park where Rachel rode the merry go round, and we all had a train ride and played in the playground area. It was back to Grandma and Grandpa’s house for the main event, “The Lion King.” This presentation was to be performed at the Kennedy Center in D.C. On the way downtown, we had dinner with Tio Ocho, Aunt Theresa, and baby Jack. We met them at Union Station and dined at the Center Café. Arrived at the Kennedy Center for the show, and enjoyed a production which was nothing less than spectacular. We were joined at the production by mom, Eric, and Lisa. All were amazed.
Planned for a late morning, and a mellow day as we arrived home very late from the Lion King. The boys were persistently asking to go to the creek to catch salamanders, and get “helicopters,” (those twirling oak seed pods). We shuttled ourselves to D.C. again in Grandma’s mini van for a Monument tour. Washington Monument was closed for elevator malfunctions, so we trekked across the mall to the Lincoln memorial. Along the way we hit the WWII memorial and took pics in front of the Florida section. The kids all greeted Abe Lincoln with a “hello Abe.” On the way back to the car we went through the Korean War Memorial and opted out of the long walk to the Jefferson Memorial. That evening, met Aunt Lisa and Uncle Eric for dinner at Urban Burger, and went to Joe and Susan’s house for salamander with Brodie!!!
Off to Mount Vernon today. Drove down to Mount Vernon, and toured old George’s home. Ryan really wanted to see some pigs, and was not disappointed. We had a very enjoyable visit to MV and especially enjoyed the breathtaking view of the Potomac. Saw dad at the Jewish Home rehab center, as he will be sent home in 3 days. Back to Grandma’s house to release the salamanders at the creek, and drive to BWI for an evening flight home. Got home really late.