Sunday, November 30, 2008

Karaoke performers

Rachel and Ryan were enjoying participation in karaoke as well as Guesstures and Trivial Pursuit all on Thanksgiving. Here, Ryan belts out a performance of the Bohemian Rhapsody.

Rachel's newest bestest buddy

Rachel eagerly awaited Darryl's arrival, and was happy to see her friend.

Mom and Dad

Cousins gather to dine this Thanksgiving

Rock and Roll fun with the cousins

Poolside celebration on Thanksgiving

The bird is carved!!

A new stove was delivered the day before Thanksgiving and the turkey was the first victim of the deadly and dreaded convection bake.

Thanksgiving at pletchparadise

Here is the table set for the family. A small gathering of 24 were on hand to celebrate our thanks.

Rachel eats Cake

While Rachel celebrates a friends and cousin birthday, her brothers and father were braving the 40 degree weather, and camping with the Indian Guides. Here she is about to enjoy her cake!

Rachel's Birthday at Home

Rachel had a small celebration at home since her birthday fell on a day while the family was on vacation in Panama. She had a sleepover with her friends and cousins on November 21st. She liked the cake, dressup and games.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A wonderful campout

We had a great campout with the Yawl Campers in Ocala at Alexander Springs. The full photo array can be seen at

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Joker this Halloween

Ryan's GRAND costume!!

Halloween Kids

Great costumes this Haloween

Ryan, the World traveler

Last flight out of PTY-MCO

Last Day in Panama :(

Despite a late night, the kids awoke at an early hour for our last day in Panama. Our pace is slow as the Latin brisas as we make our way to breakfast.

After breakfast, we spend our last hours on the beach, as Rebecca and Rachel buy their last minute curios of wraps/sarongs from the Panamanian beach vendors.

We get out of the resort on time, surprisingly, having our last lunch at DeCameron, and heading towards Panama City in the rental mini van, which experienced little damage!! Enroute we encounter a torrential downpour, in Panama speak known as a tombomomo!!!

Our route took us over the new bridge and over the Panama Canal into Paraiso and then into La Boca. We printed our boarding passes at Tia Rachel's tia's home, and make haste to Pizza Napoli, the old one..........

The watchie man who has been there since Rebecca can remember was on hand to, of all things, watch our car, and to provide directions to la aeropuerto after dining. We made it to Tocumen with time to spare.

Rental company never notices new dents through 10 days of grit and dust, also, was not charged for surfboards on return flight.

Dylan is looking like a European teenage traveler on holiday, with slim straight jeans, and a white t-shirt, complete with flip flops.

It is determined, at a moment too late that Liz was left behind at the DeCameron, as in days of old Rebecca coralled all available resources to facilitate a rescue