Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ice Lizard with his Indian Guide craft

Ryan proudly displays his Indian Guide craft which he has named, "Turkzilla" He conducted the entire meeting, including the meeting agenda, a presentation on indian lore, a description of how to make the craft, and the opening and closing prayer. He made his big brave proud.

R & G at the Freedom 7 Gala

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treaters on the hay ride

Hallow's Celebration

A ghoulish Halloween experiment

Adults enjoying Hallow's eve

Halloween night

We had a very busy and enjoyable Halloween. The highlight was a joint Halloween and Birthday party. The party was the October celebration for the family birthdays, with Rachel's being the centerpiece. Of course, the party was well attended by Rebecca's large family, and the many nieces and nephews. Following a delicious meal of chicken and steak shish kabobs, the children were entertained in the haystack, hay bale obstacle course, and dry-ice experimentation. Next, we enjoyed ice cream birthday cake, as the kids eagerly awaited the main event of trick or treating. Once costumed up, we hit the Yawlie neighborhood with the throngs of other children spooking the streets. It was quite a night with lots of trick or treaters, just like the childhood that the parents of these little ghouls remember. We turned our trailer into a hay ride and were able to cover more ground, and fill some bags with candy, oh yeah!

Jack-o-Lantern in the making

Ryan carves his jack-o-lantern as Rachel and dad supervise.

Dylan on Halloween

Dylan sat down one day, and designed and created his own iPod costume. Here he displays the costume ready for trick or treating.

Ryan on Halloween

Here is the Ninja "Snake Eyes" from the G.I. Joe movie, which Ryan loved.

Rachel on Halloween

Rachel was a bathing beauty for Halloween this year!!