Friday, July 6, 2012

Quiz time..........

These boys are off to Camp Daniel Boone.  To use modern vernacular, we have "one happy camper", and one, "he's not a happy camper"  See if you can guess which, which?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hamomock time with Rachel

Another relaxing afternoon.

Paddling explorers

Launch the flotilla.

Couple shot

Out on the lake, after a day on Mount Washington, and Attitash.  A full day of NH  fun.

Nail polishing

Rachel loved the attention she got from Heather and Becca. 

Nightly games

Our kids, and the Kinger kids have really had a good time hanging out with each other.  Each night they would end up playing a board game, or assembling a puzzle.  Summer fun that leaves life long memories.


The kids had some fun rides at the Attitash ski resort.  In the summer they have a bunch of kid's activities, including the alpine slide, water slide, rock climbing wall, and bungee trampoline.  It was a fun afternoon, hanging out with Capt. Movan and his family on the base of the mountain.

Mt Washington climb

We went up Mt. Washington, and were amazed at the climate change.  The weather at the summit on this July day was 42 degrees, wind 45 mph, and 50' of visibility.  Also, it was enthralling to see the vegetation change from lush forested green to scrub brush to "above the tree line"  The road was a white knuckle experience, passing cars going the opposite way on a very narrow, very steep, very winding road. 

The Red Hill Hike

A great little 3 mile hike.  The reward is a spectacular view of the NH lakes region.  Rachel did a little bit better than 2 years ago, but was still throwing out some serious complaints on the ascent.  Coming down she was a different, happy girl.

Fun on the boat

Lots of Lake Winni fun on the boat, tubing, kneeboarding, rope swinging, and cruising.  Ryan was not happy on his knees, and so when we looked again, he was up on his feet.  Surfer boy.

Dylan hits the wake on a kneeboard

Duck feeding time

Making new friends at the shoreline!!

Artsy shot

Dylan got a great photo of this lily pad.  The kids were fascinated how the flowers would open during the day, and close at night.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The boys at Lake Winni

Joe and Jeff have made our trek to Lake Winnipesaukee an annual event.  We love to come to this peaceful, relaxing lake in NH and swim, fish, rope swing, hike, watch the firework displays, and catch up with some dear friends.  It is a great time for all of our families.

Ryan loves to fish

Ryan hauls out another one, a NH bluegill.

Rachel on the Rinker

Jeff has a beautiful cruising boat which can hold 3 families.  We had just done some tubing here, and were heading to a cove which has a really fun rope swing for the kids to use.

Boys in a boat

At the rope swing cove.  All the kids swam over and gave the rope swing a go.

A fishing girl

Rachel is getting in on the fishing action

Dylan and Dad

Out on another great boat ride

Ryan's comfy chair

Innovative boy has used his water raft as a lounger for the evening fire pit

Around the fire pit

Each night Jeff made a nice fire in his back yard which overlooks the lake.  The local fireworks displays that families have been shooting off are worthy of a small town's display.  It's not even the 4th yet!!