Friday, February 7, 2014

Order of the Arrow induction

Ryan was inducted into the Order of the Arrow after completing his weekend "ordeal"  The OA is the National Honor Society for Boy Scouts who have proven their leadership and camping skills to their peers.

Breck trip Christmas break 2013

 Cocoa Beach crew on New Year's eve
 New Year 2014 family photo at Breck
Reb and me

Christmas trip to Breckenridge

Florida family travels to Colorado for 5 days of skiing, and some fresh powder

Monday, February 3, 2014

Swim team banquet 2013 season

Dylan and Ryan both swam in the 2013 swimming season.

Freedom 7 "strings" concert

Rachel busting out some songs on the cello for the elementary school Christmas concert

The Gang at the Reindeer Run

Putting up Christmas lights in Florida

Family at Dad's Memorial

Grandkids at Dad's Memorial

Dylan had a great year of swimming at CB High

Jack o lantern carving

Boy Scout Haloween party 2013

Melbourne half marathon with the crew

Christine, Michael, Rebecca, Pletch, Rob.  A great performance, Mike and Rob had their first half marathon's, and ran the fastest in the group!

Dad's Birthday 2014

The day included a half marathon, time with the family, and Superbowl!!