Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Geoff turns 60 (late entry from Feb 2023)

 Well, turned 60 and was very blessed to have wonderful family and friends in attendance.  Many travelled from long distances.  Rebecca pulled off a great event, despite the inclement weather and a change of venue from our house to the Cocoa Beach pool pavilion.  What a great weekend.  Thanks to my party planning wife!!!

Kings Point friends
Delta friends (Surfdogs)
Navy bros........

After the big event, hitting the trails at Wickham Park with Mac and TK

Rachel's FSU graduation

 Had a glorious weekend celebrating Rachel and her graduation from FSU.  She graduated in 3 years, with her degree in Hospitality.  We were blessed to have Grandma and Uncle Eric in attendance.  Sadly, Ryan was not able to attend since he was still of the Coast of Mexico, awaiting a port slot on his ship, the Green Ridge

Here is the YouTube video of her graduation: