Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Key Travelers, let the fun begin
2 July 2008
Last night, got home from a 3 day trip, and immediately began preparation for today’s departure. Got the mini-van all packed up, and ready to go with my laptop as DVD player. This morning, I was up at 4 am, and got the kids in the van by 0420. Stopped by the Eau Gallie Race Trac for fuel, and blasted off on I-95 by 0500. Initially missed the Ft. Pierce turnoff for the Turnpike, but doubled back, without much delay.
The kids were initially awake (except Dylan) and talking until we got onto I-95 and then they slept for about the next 2 hours. They were mostly awake by the time we hit Miami, and we had breakfast in Florida City at McDonalds.
It was exciting for us all as we finally hit Key Largo, and Ryan was navigating along in the book for every Key and pass that we traversed. We had a 1245 appointment at the Keys Sea Turtle Hospital in Marathon at MM 48. Since we made such good time, we had an opportunity to check out the Curry Hammock State Park which is where we originally had reservations, and catch our first snorkeling opportunity at Sombrero Beach in Marathon. We also had a great time feeding the HUGE tarpon at Robbie’s Marina at MM 78.
The sea turtle hospital was very informative, and all three kids did especially well during the lecutre stag,e awaiting the observation of the turtles. They had 27 sea turtles in various stages of recovery in their salt water pool and other enclosures. Some were very large loggerheads! That was Rachel’s favorite part of the day.
On the way down to Key West, we scoped out the snorkeling “horseshoe” at Bahia Honda. We will be heading there tomorrow.
We met Caleb at the Boca Chica NAS gate to get our vehicle pass, and proceeded to check into the Navy Lodge at Key West. The Ganzlers were there already. We just chilled out in the AC for a couple hours before getting dinner at the Sunset Lodge. Pretty marginal dinner, but the boys (and Rachel) had a blast overturning rocks at the low tide line catching starfish, crabs, and various other slugs at the water’s edge. I could not get them to eat dinner once it arrived at the outside veranda. But, they were having such a blast, it gave the adults the chance to visit, and discuss our plans. Tomorrow we will meet at 0800 at the Lodge to go see the Key Deer at Big Pine Key, and snorkel at Bahia Honda. The kids insisted on snorkeling at dusk, as the thunder clouds grew on the horizon. Dylan found some cool coral pieces, they saw a sting ray and sponges. I was treated to seeing the 2nd waterspout in my life, and it was cool explaining to the kids that we were observing a tornado over water on the horizon. Once the lighting got closer, we wrapped it up for the night. We are all having a blast, and can’t wait until tomorrow for more adventure at Big Pine Key, Bahia Honda, and the Key West aquarium. Good night.
3 July 2008
The whole gang at Blue Hole
Bahia Honda Bridge
3 July 2008
Woke up and had another exciting day. We were to meet in the lobby to transit to our snorkeling destinations. Up at 7 and off to Publix to get some breakfast for the kids. Rebecca had called, so we spoke as I shopped, and bought empenadas! Dylan ate pretty good, but Rachel is not interested in eating too much with any nutrition….. Off at 8 to Big Pine Key, stopping at the Key Deer visitor center which was closed. That did not stop the boys from discovering a rooster wandering through the parking lot, and giving it a run. We transited down Key Deer Boulevard, and hit pay dirt. A spike buck was standing fearlessly at the roadside, and a doe was a little further down the road. The other van was lucky as well, with Rachel onboard they saw a doe nursing a fawn!! So, with the key deer “check in the block”, we found the “Blue Hole” park, complete with an alligator hoping for some food handouts.
Off to Bahia Honda key where we stopped off at a natural aquarium as described in the Keys tour book. It is an atoll like boundaried bay with a steep drop off where the kids were in immediately, and finding urchin cores, coral, tube-like barnacles with fans for plankton, and lots of other Key natural treasures. We snorkled there for an hour, then off to Bahia Honda where we snorkled at the “touristy” beach for a while, and then hiked up the old Bahia Honda bridge for quite a sight. We saw some iguanas on the way up, and it was clear the heat had arrived. We did not pack lunch, but the other families, Corson and Ganzlers shared with us. The kids are having a blast in the water. All are snorkeling like they have been in the agua their whole lives, oh yeah, they have been!!
Got back to the Navy Lodge, and off to the Navy Commissary for provisions, mostly bought lunch and breakfast items with Caleb, and then it was time to get ready and head into Key West.
We hit the 1630 tour at the Key West aquarium. It was great to see the ray and shark feedings, see the resident iguana—Gunther, and feel around in the “touch tank” The kids enjoyed playing with the touch tank horeshoe crabs, sea cucumbers, starfish, conch, and various other snails and marine life. We got some of those flattened pennies of the aquarium.
Next, it was off to Duval Street to observe the craziness. Did a little window shopping, and the kids were all ready, with freshly paid allowances. No purchases this evening though. We had some snacks and watched the Key West tourist crew on parade.
Our next stop was Mallory Square to watch the freak show and the sunset. However, a storm was brewing, and a nearby flash and deafening thunder clap scared the daylights out of Rachel, and it was back to the car. I felt very wonderful walking with 3 tired hombres all vying to hold one of my 3 hands all the way back to the car.
Back at the Lodge, the boys retired to television, while Daddy and Rachel headed to the playground, which she has been begging for. Had a nice little time with my daughter in the playground, as we rode the boat, rang the bell, monkey bars, etc. A full speed ahead day. Deep sea fishing manana.
Dylans favorite activity today: Key West aquarium
Ryans favorite activity today: a tie of the aquariums—the natural one, and the Key West one
Rachel’s favorite activity today: Key West aquarium
4th of July 2008 at the Beach/Party
4th of July 2008
Another day at a breakneck pace. These kids are hanging in there like champs!!! Of course, they are all sound asleep now after a spectacular fireworks display which culminated today’s activities.
Woke up for a breakfast at the Navy Lodge, waffles, fruit, cereal, donuts. I made a bunch of sandwiches for the boat trip which we would be taking at 9.
Out the door to the Coast Guard station near the Navy BOQ which I used to stay at on cross countries to Key West “back in the day!” We parked there, and walked to the marina to board the Tortuga IV for a ½ day fishing cruise. The transit to the fishing area was fine, with a little sea state, which did not hamper the kids at first. The kids really enjoyed the ride on the bow, as the boat pitched through the deep blue water’s troughs and crests. It was a spectacularly beautiful day.
Our fishing stops were filled with nibbles, stolen bait, and dropping lines with squid and ballyhoo pieces. We all caught fish, and they were all undersized, so no “keepers” The mates onboard realized quickly that I had my hands full with 3 kids, and were very helpful. Of course, Rachel was the little charmer, however, Dylan and Ryan got their share of assistance. Mostly we caught snapper, but we also caught a grunt, the snapper being red and yellow tail. About halfway through the cruise, Rachel and Dylan disappeared into the galley/saloon to take naps. Later they said they did not feel well, and confessed seasickness. Ryan and I fished on relentlessly. It was very enjoyable to be out on the water, and we caught fish, just not big enough. Back at the fish fillet, the kids enjoyed seeing huge tarpon fighting for the scraps thrown overboard.
We went back to the Navy Lodge, and the kids were getting pretty rambunctious. I sent them to the park next to the Lodge so I could get us ready to go to the pool at the CG base, and then to fireworks. So, we met the Corsons at the pool on their base, they are in a mobile home. The pool was so great, and the kids went to town on the wonderful slides ,and they really enjoyed the floating lilly pads. It was so pleasant to hang poolside as the kids played.
It was then, off to the Truman Annex military facility for the base 4th of July party. It was absolutely perfect. We pitched our gear on the beach, and the kids went for an immediate snorkel. Ryan and Rachel made a short time of it as their eyes went from chlorine pool to salty ocean. However, Dylan really is enjoying himself in the water. While Rachel will hold my hand and snorkel with me, Dylan will grab my arm around the bicep, and swim along, as we point out interesting sights to each other. He found a sea biscuit, and a juvenile conch. We saw the biggest sea urchin I have ever seen lodged under a coral shelf, with 6 inch spines.
Back ashore, the party was getting really fun. Activities included, a live band, a bounce house, a family style cookout of burgers, dogs, etc. Limbo, musical chairs, playground, cotton candy, and a very festive crowd of military members.
Just after sunset and prior to the fireworks show starting, we set up our chairs on the beach, and enjoyed the reggae music of a steel drum player, as the beautiful tropic breeze was blowing, and the mellow waves lapped at the shore. The kids managed to acquire some glow stick necklaces, and were actively twirling them awaiting the show.
Well, the show was much more than I expected, and without a doubt, the longest fireworks display I have ever seen. In fact, I believe the kids were getting bored due to its length, however, it was a great culmination of another fine day in the Keys.
Sunset in the Keys, Last Day........
5/6 July 2008
The 5th we had to slow down the pace, but the good times kept rolling here in Key West!! We were a little slower to start this morning, however, when we go going, it was over to the RV park on the Navy base for a little snorkeling. The Corson family and the Gansler family were also in attendance, and Caleb came equipped with dive flags. The area was of Roark’s choosing, since it was his favorite spot, due to not being over snorkeled/dived. Mostly there was grassy bottoms, however, there was a drop off a little ways out with some good marine life, and we saw crabs, and anemones living there. In addition, we found a sunken boat, which had not been there too long, judging from the marine growth it had accumulated. There were a bunch of very pretty tropical fish swimming around and within the boat.
We chilled a bit more back in the room until after lunch when we joined the Ganslers at the Eco Discovery exhibit off the Truman Annex downtown. It was a very informative center which described many interesting facts about the Keys, and the reefs there. Rachel and Ryan bought their first souvenirs of the trip—some stuffed animal birds. Not to be outdone, Dylan led us down to Duval Street to buy his first souvenir—an I Love KW tee shirt.
We relaxed a bit more at the Navy Lodge, and I washed and vacuumed the car, as Ry and Rach played on the playground. Dinner was at TGI Fridays, and we headed to the Sunset Festival at Mallory Square to check out the very bizarre Cat Man. All the kids were marveled at his weirdness, and Rachel was admittedly a bit scared. Rightly so.
6 July
Woke at 4, and loaded 3 sleepy kids into the car to head home. Had the car packed last night, and all that was left was to turn onto US1 and head North. They slept for the first couple of hours, but all were awake by the time we hit Key Largo, and bid farewell to the Keys. What a vacation.
We got to Rebecca’s hotel and the tail end of the CZ reunion, and her kids and husband were happy to see her!!!! She had a great time, and it was a great week for all………..I was off to work for a PM with SWA…………URGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! That hurts.
The Travellers at the W-burg Magazine
July 8, 2008
The Pletcher travelers are at it again. I got home from a 2 day trip last night, and packed for an early departure this morning. Rachel was home and packed, however, the boys were at Brandon and Chelsea’s awaiting to be picked up. We rolled into Orlando at 7:15 to wake them from slumber, and continue to the MCO airport. Our flight was to depart at 9:25, and was booked to near maximum capacity. I wanted us to be one hour prior so we could be first on the standby list. When we arrived, another pilot and his wife had beat us to the standby list, however, in true SWA style, he signed up for the cockpit, his wife was in the back, my 3 were in the back, and I was on the 4th F/A jumpseat. Only on Southwest would you see all the employees rallying together to get our family of 4 onboard. Rachel was in true social form with the F/As. Even though she could not speak too clearly after chewing her lip to shreds in a post dental procedure novacaine episode.
Got to Norfolk just prior to noon, and got the rental car. It is a Chrylser Sebring, and has ample room. We immediately headed to Williamsburg, and we happened upon a visitor center just before passing into the Hampton tunnel on I-64. Got some ideas for the trip, and headed into the Williamsburg, also to their visitor center. We saw a 36 minute movie at the visitor center and scoped out our plan of attack for tomorrow. It will be a full day.
Back to the streets to find our hotel, the “Americas Best Inn” in Williamsburg. I had read some not-so-nice reviews online in reference to this hotel, but we are going for value here. However, the hotel is not too bad, and the kids just lounged around after an early Italian dinner across the street. We also played in the video arcade, and pool. We won quite a few stuffed animals in the “claw” game, and Rachel was very excited to have a new doll and stuffed animal dog.
The kids are tired from some cumulative fatigue, and we are laying low tonight, with an early turn-in for tomorrows big day. We plan on seeing Bob Laub and family Thursday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the good times roll…………………………………………
Visiting Williamsburg VA!!!!!!!!!!
9 July 2008
Drove the traveling family like a mule train. We got into the Colonial Williamsburg park at 10 am, and commenced touring. As soon as we arrived, the drizzle began, and continued throughout the day. We were undaunted, even though alot of complaints were logged with the tour leader (me) by the tour participants (kids). However, we jumped right into the “living theatre” of Williamsburg, starting with the Capitol, which before Richmond, was the head of the colony of Virginia. We found out that “the Old Dominion” was named as the 5th dominion of the English empire behind Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England. We continued to saunter down Duke of Gloucester Street, experiencing the Colonial atmosphere, as the living theatre continued with the Revolutionary City, Citizens at War. Along the way, the kids quickly showed their favor to the tradesman, and we experienced the gunsmith, the silversmith, the apothecary, and the foundry. The foundry was so popular, we visited it twice. The kids were enthralled with the colonial process for making pewter spoons. They had many questions, and were very willing to pump the bellows. At the Governor’s Palace, we were all impressed by the display of arms as well as the musical instruments, including the harpsichord. Some of the kid activities which were favored were the hoop and stick game which we played on the commons in front of the Governor’s Palace, and a maze in the Palace Garden fashioned by a high shrub. This is the maze which I also loved when I came to Williamsburg in the 4th grade. I do not remember much from that trip, but I was very impressed with these actors who remained in character, and were very knowledgeable of their information. I definitely do not recall that from 1971. The last two reenactments were very informative, and included George Washington and Lafayette. One was a discussion of their army’s readiness on the eve of the Yorktown siege titled, Prelude to Victory, and the other was an inspection of the troops behind the courthouse, titled The General Reviews the Troops. We left the park at 5:30 pm, which was a very full day of knowledge, and experiencing Colonial Williamsburg in the soggy weather.
We had dinner at the Wok and Roll Chinese buffet, then ended the day at the cinema, watching Wall-E. Dylan has commented that this is the worst vacation he has ever been on, although I believe he is gaining some great exposure to the Colonial times, and he will be studying that in school next year. Ryan was very curious, and kept the momentum going, leading us from one shop to another. Rachel got a big kick out of the stick and hoop game, and was helping another little girl, also named Rachel.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Pocahantas statue in Jamestown
10 July 2008
Got another early start, and headed off to Jamestown. It was great, I can say that the National Park System has really gotten it together, with the tours and knowledgeable rangers/staff. Had a scenic drive from Williamsburg down to Jamestown. We immediately started working on the kids Junior Ranger qual, and filling in the book. It is a great way to see a park with a kid. The first item on the itinerary was a class by Ranger Mac on making an Indian pinch pot. The kids loved it, next it was off to the archeological tour. It was a little bit over the kid’s heads, so we cut off early to finish the Junior Ranger workbook. It was very cool to see America’s first English settlement as discovered by Capt. John Smith. Interestingly enough, he was not married to Pocahontas, it was John Rolfe. We saw some real life archeologists unearthing artifacts including some Colonial era teeth, and pieces of clay tobacco pipes. Very cool. We finished the ranger qual, and headed off to the Glasshouse, site of the original Colonial glass blowing house. Of course, they had real craftsman blowing glass into wine glasses, and it was great for the kids to watch. Dylan stated he was having a much better time today than yesterday? Hmmmm…..
Off to the WaWa for lunch in W-burg on the way to Yorktown. Another scenic drive up Colonial Highway, and to the Battlefield Visitor Center. The kids really enjoyed climbing the earthen cannon mounds, and rolling down the hills of the battlefield area as I waited for the movie. I fell asleep in the movie, however, and this was one place I really wanted to see. It was rushed though, since we had to drive down to Norfolk for dinner at the Laubengayers’ Had a really fun time with them as they gave us a great dinner, and took us to the community pool. Definitely nice to spend time with the Bob Laubs’ his girls Rory and Emma are great.
Virginia Children's Museum
11 July 2008
The pace was fast but manageable today. Slept in until after 8, but the allure of a free continental breakfast in the hotel lobby was too enticing to keep kids from breaking out of the hotel room. Got going over to the Virginia Childrens Museum in Portsmouth. It was great, and the kids loved the hands on interactive activities. There was some really cool stuff, a bubble room, many toys with a science lesson, and the boys had a blast enclosing themselves in the foam building blocks. Rachel really loved the museum since it was much more suited to her age.
Next, off to Nauticus, part interactive museum, part naval museum part aquarium and part Battleship (Wisconsin BB-65) We started with a 45 minute film on the sea and oceans which was spectacular, including tidal shots from the Bay of Fundy, surfing scenes on the North Shore, and diving in Palau. It was fantastic, and held everyone’s attention.
Next, we saw the NOAA sponsored “aquarium”’ with touch tanks, shark touch tanks, and plenty of other tropical tanks, as well as Chesapeake Bay sea life. Very cool and informative. The kids were less impressed by the Naval museum portion, but I really enjoyed that, especially taking the tour of the Wisconsin
I asked our kids which week they liked best: Key West or Williamsburg? Surprisingly they liked them both equally, and I am happy to have some travelers ready for some cultural/historical adventures on the road!!
It has been a long 2 weeks of travel. We all miss mom, and are ready to fly SWA to MCO tomorrow, so we can hit the swell from Bertha!!!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
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