9 July 2008
Drove the traveling family like a mule train. We got into the Colonial Williamsburg park at 10 am, and commenced touring. As soon as we arrived, the drizzle began, and continued throughout the day. We were undaunted, even though alot of complaints were logged with the tour leader (me) by the tour participants (kids). However, we jumped right into the “living theatre” of Williamsburg, starting with the Capitol, which before Richmond, was the head of the colony of Virginia. We found out that “the Old Dominion” was named as the 5th dominion of the English empire behind Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England. We continued to saunter down Duke of Gloucester Street, experiencing the Colonial atmosphere, as the living theatre continued with the Revolutionary City, Citizens at War. Along the way, the kids quickly showed their favor to the tradesman, and we experienced the gunsmith, the silversmith, the apothecary, and the foundry. The foundry was so popular, we visited it twice. The kids were enthralled with the colonial process for making pewter spoons. They had many questions, and were very willing to pump the bellows. At the Governor’s Palace, we were all impressed by the display of arms as well as the musical instruments, including the harpsichord. Some of the kid activities which were favored were the hoop and stick game which we played on the commons in front of the Governor’s Palace, and a maze in the Palace Garden fashioned by a high shrub. This is the maze which I also loved when I came to Williamsburg in the 4th grade. I do not remember much from that trip, but I was very impressed with these actors who remained in character, and were very knowledgeable of their information. I definitely do not recall that from 1971. The last two reenactments were very informative, and included George Washington and Lafayette. One was a discussion of their army’s readiness on the eve of the Yorktown siege titled, Prelude to Victory, and the other was an inspection of the troops behind the courthouse, titled The General Reviews the Troops. We left the park at 5:30 pm, which was a very full day of knowledge, and experiencing Colonial Williamsburg in the soggy weather.
We had dinner at the Wok and Roll Chinese buffet, then ended the day at the cinema, watching Wall-E. Dylan has commented that this is the worst vacation he has ever been on, although I believe he is gaining some great exposure to the Colonial times, and he will be studying that in school next year. Ryan was very curious, and kept the momentum going, leading us from one shop to another. Rachel got a big kick out of the stick and hoop game, and was helping another little girl, also named Rachel.
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