Monday, October 27, 2008



Wake up for a short hike in the vicinity of the PVQ, on Ancon hill, and see wonderful birds and nikis, all the while listening to the sounds of the rainforest. Dylan knocks out a short homework sesh, and then, it is off to Nico’s for breakfast. Tipico Panamanian. Do a CZ tour as Rebecca and Christina shows us the old houses which the Grimisons lived in, as well as St. Mary’s Catholic church, the family place of worship. The kids love the CZ playgrounds which are brightly colored Latin paints. We observe many iguanas, and some mini ferns which retreat into themselves when you touch them. We check out the house next to PCC, that college is being converted into a Panamanian Maritime Academy. Back to the PVQ, with kids as mom goes grocery shopping. Homework sesh and pool sesh at PVQ with kids. We go to Miraflores after dinner, and the kids are fascinated by all the tropics has to offer, sticks, gourds, waterfalls, and every walk is an experience in new experience. Cooked some filetes for dinner on grill behind PVQ, as other families show up, adding to the fantasy cousin experience. Sharing the quarters with the Niemeyers.

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