Tuesday, October 28, 2008

10/21/2008, Chiva Bus Fun

I drove back from the beach today after the completely satisfying surf sesh at Playa Teta. It is about an hour drive back, and I missed the turn on the Autopista to Chorrero and ended up going over the new bridge near paraiso. Got back to the PVQ, and Rebecca and the kids were still shopping upon their return trip from Summitt Zoo.

I just chilled out at the bohio waiting for them as I read and relaxed near the rainforest canopy on Quarry heights.

This evening, a chiva bus showed up for a rolling party. Imagine if you will a converted school bus with flashing lights and strobes, side benches and drink holders blaring Panamanian club music as we rolled through town dancing the night away. It was very fun, and the kids stayed with Brandon in the VPQ. Our tour went throghg old Canal Zone , downtown Panama , and the Causeway. The music filled the bus and the dancing never ended. We took one brief stop at the other side of Ancon Hill and were entertained by a mugda band while the group continued dancing.

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