Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This morning's plan was to spend time boating on Gatun Lake in the Panama Canal. We woke up to a light rain, and used the opportunity to discuss the scientific method with Dylan to determine if the rain was only over us on Ancon Hill. We had planned on a 9 am meeting at the Gamboa marina. Althgouh we were on the water a bit later, the reason was that we were utilizing 3 boats for 10 families with 33 family members. So a bit late was actually pretty reasonable. Andrew Efthamitis showed up as one of the boaters with his huge "Tin Kitty"' a metal dual hull offshore fishing boat which held 18 of our explorers. We were finally underway, and our first turn was under the Gamboa bridge that Rebecca fondly remembers jumping into the water from in high school. We immediately turned towards the Atlantic side of the canal, and skirted the rainforested shores of beauty. Our first stop was at Monkey Island, that was without a doubt, a huge hit with the ninos. The monkeys came out of the trees to eat bananas and grapes out of our hands. Next we transited to another island through a pass which was barely wide enough for the boats to pass through. It was a real life Apocalypse Now/Heart of Darkness feel that took us to the second island with mono ti ti's living on it. They were actually Geoffrey's Tamarins, and were a bit more shy and reserved than the first species. Again, it was a big hit. Directly behind this island was a large houseboat which was named the Gatun Explorer, and we were able to gain permission to utilize the large meeting area for our lunch stop as well as their deck for swimming. Also, the boat contained some animals which were held in captivity including boa constrictor, toucans, iguanas, and caymans. Quite a stop!!!! After the lunch stop and swim session, it was back to the boats to transit back to Gamboa and a ride on the trans-Isthmian highway through the old Canal Zone back to Ancon Hill. Rachel and Rebecca took advantage of one of their favorite activities which was to get their nails done at a local manicure/pedicure shop. Dylan did his homework and Ryan played. Just before dinner time, we commenced Rachel's birthday celebration (7 anos,manana) by a bicycle ride out on the Causeway, followed by dinner at Bennigan's with Tia Rachel and cousin Mary Jane. It was complete with a Panamanian birthday song in Rachel's honor. Rachel really enjoyed her birthday evening.

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