Wednesday, October 29, 2008


My first order of activity was to hit the gym this morning. Ryan had really wanted to go to the gym also, however, they had an age limit of 18. He was disappointed, since on our trip to Norfolk this summer, he had fun on the treadmill. I got on the spinning bike before the surf expidition with da Boyz.

After surfing (see later post), it was Rebecca's turn in the gym, and Dylan's turn for some homework, and Ryan and Rachel played in the pool. I had an enjoyable lunch with Liz and Anita.

The afternoon was spent chillin' at the resort, and the kids are glowing in their feeling of independece completely surrounded by the cousins they love.

Reb took Ryan and Rachel on a beach horseback ride, they really enjoyed it.

The evening was happily occupied with the rehearsal dinner on the beach in front of the resort. The wedding song was practiced by the Grimison 8, to the joy of all.

After the rehearsal, the resort had a wonderful dinner for the wedding party in Cafe Med.

The kids retired to a DS party in Dito's kids room.

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