Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Merry Christmas Wish!!!

Dear Family and Friends, 12/2008

Hello to all! Our 2008 has gone by in a pleasant flash! Does time get stuck in fast forward with a household of 3 kids? Instead of trying to review the excitement of the past year in this short letter, check out www.pletchparadise.blogspot.com. We post photos and blog regularly. You’ll catch up on our entire year.

Dylan (11), Ryan (8) and Rachel (7) keep us busy with school and various extra-curricular activities. They are getting older and we continue to learn to joys and challenges of parenting. Just when I think I can’t listen to one more sibling squabble or help solve their never-ending issues with each other, I overhear them making plans to sleep together on Christmas Eve so they can play games together if they wake up too early. Thank goodness for those moments!

Rebecca and I are busy with our family, as well as continuing our part-time business pursuits. She jokes that our mid-life crisis has manifested itself in the form of fitness activities. I am only doing my best, trying to keep up with a half-marathon, triathlon, yoga and weightlifting wife. Phew.

We wish you and your family a very blessed Holiday Season!

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