Monday, April 6, 2009

Video of Day 2 "Lake Gatun" finish

April 6, 2009 Panama
Up at 0630 to head to the airport. Richard and Diana pick us up at 0700. We proceed through downtown Panama on the way to Tocumen Airport. A United States of America, 737 is parked at the airport FBO and a U.S. Navy E-2C does a low approach to the airport. It appears as though a U.S. Cabinet level official is visiting the country, which may explain why the U.S. Ambassador missed the final leg of the race yesterday.
We had no rental car return issues which often plague a typical 3rd world rental car drop off. Our only hitch was the COPA agent who was apprehensive to check our cayuco paddles without shrink wrapping them . Her solution was to provide us a waiver for damage, which she taped prominently in banner like ceremony to the paddles. This would certainly assure the paddles would be used for “baggage toss” experimentation by the plane’s baggage loaders.
Had a Panamanian breakfast at the airport, and Rebecca did pretty well challenging her feelings of anxiety during the ground portion of air travel.
Prior to boarding, we got our Ocean to Ocean patch from Richard, and viewed the official time sheets. We placed 14 out of 25, which all felt was very respectable for a crew which spent an additional 20 minutes on day one logging submarine time. We figured we would have finished about 8th or 9th had we stayed upright for the beginning of the race. Top third!!!!!

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