Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Panama Surfing and Snorkeling

Panama March 31, 2010
We had a very restful evening since having switched rooms last night. In order for Richard and Diana to have 2 colocated rooms, we were moved to a cabana beneath the “ranchito” This room is right on the beach front facing the Achotines bay. In the morning, the forest floor appears to be moving outside the room due to the hermit crabs moving through the leaves. They’re everywhere. After another typical breakfast at the La Playita of frustrating customer service, we loaded up the maxi van with the Grimi family and ours to head back into Pedasi. We had a 9 o’clock appointment to take a boat ride to Isla Iguana. We were to meet our captain at Playa Arenal just outside Pedasi. We made our way to the beach, and we encountered a pretty standard Panamanian beachfront fishing operation with many pangas up and down the beach. A panga is an open boat with a big outboard motor, approximately 20 feet long. We were able to put one family per boat. We had some concerns about the high winds and the 3km transit to Isla Iguana. We were assured it would be no problema, and boarded up the boats.
The transit was kidney bustin’ rough, a true E ride at Disney, but the kids loved it. We arrived at the island after our 20 minute boat ride through the chop. We beached the boats, and headed through a sawgrass lined foot path to the other side of the island for snorkeling. The tide was pretty low, and we had to wait about an hour for the reef to fill in. While we waited, the kids created hermit crab communities, and had the time of their lives. Finally, the tide began to push over the reef, and we were able to snorkel in what resembled a tropical fish aquarium. It was pretty spectacular, and the many varieties and colors of fishes awed us all.
Our boat captains returned to bring us back to the beach, and we were happy to get underway again, since we had an appointment for surfing with Mr. Mid Tide at Venao.
It was the greatest afternoon of surfing this family has ever experienced together. A building Pacific swell pushing up to overhead, breaking in A frame peaks. All the kids had lots of waves, and my arms are noodle like as I type of the experience from hours of surf. At the end of the day, I was catching clean lefts as the sun set to the West and the barrel of the wave shot me into the setting sun.
I am beginning to think the Bohio at Venao is becoming my favorite place on Earth. Mucho Olas por todos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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