Friday, May 28, 2010

Hiking the Red Rocks Canyon, NV

Its not about Vegas, its about the Canyons

Woke up on day 2 of our trip, early, in order to go rent a car. I did the big dreaded dad faux pas, and left the kids under their own charge, as I went to Fox rent a car via cab, which was 5 miles down the strip. I did, however, instruct them on the use of the hotel phone, and they had already figured out the TV remote, so, I felt we were covered.

We got the car, and went to the buffet at the Excalibur. For the sake of convenience, and childhood harmony, I decided it would be beneficial to purchase the all day meal plan. I did instruct the happy kids that they were not allowed to have soft serve ice cream for breakfast, so they looked forward to lunch from that point on.

After breakfast, we loaded up the rental car, which was a mini Jeep SUV, and let my iPhone navigate to a wonderful little destination outside of Las Veags called Red Rock Canyon Conservation Area.

Our first stop was the visitor center, and we learned about the wonderful rock formations, and the wildlife of this diverse natural area. It was so wonderful to have discovered such a beautiful, natural area, just miles after slipping the glitzy bonds of the city of Sin.

The area has a 14 mile car loop with multiple stops to disembark and go exploring. Our first stop was at Calico I, and we made our way into the rock formations for some rock scrambling. I was very impressed with all of the kids willingness, and ability to tackle this hike, and we all enjoyed ourselves amongst giant boulders and rock climbs. At one point, we had to assist another group, whose member had fallen, twisted her ankle, and gotten herself into a jam. It was a lesson to our family to not get into a mountain situation that is beyond your ability level. We spent about an hour at Calico I, and saw lots of lizards, hummingbirds, and a large lizard called a Chuckwalla.

Next, we went to the long hike to the Calico Tanks, which was simply a spring fed pond, which round trip consisted of about 3.3 miles of easy to moderate terrain. It started out mostly flat, but in a short time, we were climbing, and despite, the beautiful views of the desert in bloom, the youngest of our excursion was beginning to tucker out. We did some rest stops, and she finally made it to Calico Tanks, and back to the car.

Our last stop in Red Rocks was at Lost Creek, and we found the seasonal waterfall, but were unable to find the petroglyphs from the ancient Indian civilizations. I was a bit disappointed, however, these kids had had enough hiking for a day.

Back at the Excalibur, Rachel continued to demonstrate her prowess operating the Claw machine, and ended up snatching a whole set of Alvin and the Chipmunks.

I got a quick workout in at the gym, which overlooks the pool. The kids were at the pool, and loving a late afternoon swim, however, taking frequent breaks to check on the disappointing Orlando Magic game 6 of the Eastern finals.

A great day outing

Young climbers

Red rock Climbers

Ryan makes a friend

Rachel's new friend

Mountain recliner

Climbing the ledge

Climbing the wall

Nevada Desert in Bloom

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Las Vegas/Grand Canyon trip

Grand Canyon Trip May 2010
Dad trips rock!!!! I finished an early returning 3 day trip yesterday, and met Rebecca at the airport with the kids. We piled onto a flight which was supposed to e wide open, and the loads ended up pretty tight. We managed the 5 hour flight to Phoenix as Rachel made friends with all the passengers in our immediate area, while Dylan and Ryan were completely engrossed in activities involving Dylan’s iPod touch. Never heard a peep from them. All the kids did well on a 6 hour journey from Orlando to Las Vegas.
Upon arrival in Las Vegas, the excitement level grew, as the kids sensed the glitz of America’s cheesiest city starting with the 1st bells of the airport slot machines. We took a cab to the Excalibur, and Rachel was excited to be in a “mini van taxi cab.” The Excalibur was a kid pleaser as well, and after arriving there, we gave ourselves a full tour. The kids were pretty fascinated by the casino which we had to transit every time we came or left our “tower”, the Excalibur is a mideval themed casino/hotel.
For dinner, I began my “Florida kid” indoctrination to some yummy West Coast food choices, with Baja Fresh burritos, which were loved by them. Had some TV time to unwind after a long travel day, and got to bed.
The 3 hour time difference threw off our wake up cycle, and as a result, we were up and about pretty early. Spent a little while walking around the Strip, and getting a lay of the land, before a quick breakfast, and a pick up from the Grand Canyon Airlines shuttle bus.
Our original plan was to take a helicopter tour of the West Rim of the Grand Canyon. Due to lack of helo availability for our non-rev status, we opted for a fixed wing tour of the Canyon and surrounding area.
The shuttle van took us out to Boulder City, and after spending some time checking in, we paid our half price standby fares, and boarded the plane. After takeoff, we headed directly towards the Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, as the narrator filled us in on the pertinent facts. The plane offered great visibility, and we passed over Lake Mead, the Mojave Desert, and onto the Grand Canyon.
The Canyon tour lasted about 30 minutes, and we took in a lot of breathtaking scenes from our airborne vantage. At about this time, Rachel started to feel a bit queasy, and as it turned out, so did Dylan. Meanwhile, Ryan smiled through any turbulent bumps, as he snapped away on his camera. For the later part of this flight, Rachel had the motion sickness bag in hand, but fortunately was not required to use it.
Once we got back to Boulder City, we again boarded a van to take us back to our hotel. On the way back, we were able to snap some photos of the Welcome to Las Vegas sign which the kids had full recognition of, even after having never been here.
We immediately made our way to the pool, and the kids played poolside while I snuck in a quick workout.
After pool time, the West Coast food indoctrination was again commenced, and we walked to the local In n Out Burger. A huge hit, and Ryan commented that if he lived here, that would be his favorite restaurant.
On the way back to Excalibur, we spent a little more time on the Strip, then in the hotel’s arcade. The claw machine was a huge hit among all the travelers, and they managed to pluck a few prizes out of the machines.
Tomorrow, we have a rental car to pick up, and will be heading to Red Rock Canyon, a local scenic natural area with spectacular vistas, cool rock formations, and ancient petroglyphs. We will get this hiking in early, then return to LV for some more bling bling activity.

In n Out kids

They loved this place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rachel's knuckles on the flight

White knuckled!!!! Those hands didn't move from their vise like grip

Some flyers prepare to tour

An airborne view of the Grand Canyon

The Hoover Dam from above

A Pair of flyers

Ryan on the plane

Rachel meets Sponge Bob at the Excalibur

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Girls just wanna have fun......................

Rebecca tears down the slide

Bathing Beauties of the May birthday BASH!!!!!

May Birthday Boy

Making some Birthday memories this May!!!

Just a recap of this last weekend, which was a whirlwind of fun. Thursday, I got home from my 4 day trip, just in time for the kids annual end of the year pool party at the Cocoa Beach pool. Friday was the last day of school, but more importantly, it was Dylan’s graduation. He looked like a young gentleman, all donned in a blazer and tie. He has done so much maturing in the last 6 months, and eating the Miracle Gro has certainly made him sprout up like a little man. He is soooooo ready to get himself into 7th grade. He has been selected for the Middle Years Program at Cocoa Beach Junior High, which is a lead in to the International Baccularate Program at the High school. It is quite an honor, and he was recommended by his teachers, and supported by his grades to attend.

Friday after school, Ryan’s friends joined him after school to start his birthday celebration. The first order of business was for the annual shaving cream battle, which Rebecca has established as a new tradition. Next, those 9 and 10 year old boys played in the pool, canal, and jumped off the boat house into the canal, gleefully enjoying the get together for Ryan, as well as their new found “summer freedom” That evening, we took the group to Bizzaro’s Pizza in Satellite Beach followed by the movie Iron Man II. After the movie, the group was pretty pooped, and that lent itself to the harmony of the evening’s sleep over.

Saturday, many more of Ryan’s friends showed up as did the GIANT water slide was delivered. All of the day’s activities were again water related, to include boat house jumps in the canal, the pool, and the GIANT slide. Ryan really enjoyed his party, and the time with his friends. He is such a happy kid.

The next two hours, we prepared for the next party. It was a party for all of our family members who were born in May: Ryan, Rebecca, Christina, Ally, and the ever absent Ed. We were also joined by many of our friends, lending itself to a major fiesta. The party continued all afternoon, and everyone enjoyed themselves from CZers to CBers.

I was able to get to bed at a fairly decent time, and woke up early Sunday for a biathlon in Melbourne. Man, it was a hot day, and I had some mechanical difficulties which created a frustrating athletic event. This bikearathon was a 20 mile bike ride, followed by a 10K (6.2 mi.) run. Prior to the race, I checked my cyclometer, since I was trying to target a 20 mi/hr. pace. Of course, when I started, the computer was on the blink. At mile 13, I had a flat tire, and tried quickly to replace the tube, roadside. When I got the new tube in, I was unable to get the tube pumped up, and suspected my pump was faulty. However, another kind athlete lent me her CO2 pump system, and it inflated the tube, and then it quickly deflated. I then realized my 2nd, spare tube had a leak. I almost threw in the towel at this point, however, I took the 2nd tube out, and was able to isolate the leak, which I then patched, and continued on my not so merry way.

By this time the sun was a sweltering, May mid morning mass of UV heat generation, my woeful 10k time reflected such. It was not so much fun, and luckily (or unluckily) I will have 2 more triathlons in the next 4 weeks, which may suffice as some form of redemption from today’s tortuous athletic existence.

Dad and his 10 year old!!!!!!!!!

Dear friends at the party

A group assembles to JUUUUUUMP................

Brandon, Chelsea, and Dylan

Mom with her boys

Saturday the slide arrives, what a monster

This slide stopped and awed all vehicular traffic on Yawlie

A pool full of Ryan's birthday party friends

Ryan's crew and the water wars

Make ready for some canal jumps........................

Let the battle begin....................

Dylan after the battle

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Camp Dad and Kids

O'Leno State Park is one of the nicest parks we have camped in within Florida. This viewing area was at the "river sink" where the Santa Fe river disappears for 3.5 miles. A very cool camp area with multiple sink holes, lots of wildlife, and a beautifully maintained and clean camping area. We took a pop up for the first time, which added to the ease of a single parenting camp experience. The kids loved this place

Family Camp Portrait

A great campout this month at O'leno State Park, which is North of Gainesville. The scenery was absolutely beautiful, and the shade provided a comfortable temperature for the whole weekend. We enjoyed all the activities on the shore of the Santa Fe river, including: hiking, swimming, rattlesnake catching, alligator viewing, and camaraderie with our neighbors of the Yawlie camp group.

Our campsite

Our family (sin Rebecca) ventured down a new camp experience as we borrowed this pop up with an air conditioner. What a great camp mobile. On Sunday, within the darkened cave of this camper, the kids would've slept until noon if given the chance.

A Group Hike

The Yawl Drive camp group sets out on a hike along the Santa Fe River, just at the point where the river disappears into a giant sink hole. The river flows under ground for about 3 1/2 miles before coming to the surface again. There was a giant alligator swimming towards a young deer which rested on the bank of this sinkhole. No attack was viewed by the merry hikers.

Lots of deer close by

Dylan and Lilly see alot of deer upon arrival at O'leno