Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Popoyo Paradise

May 3, 2011 Nicaragua
When I was young, my dad used to buy me small balsa wood airplanes with wind up propellers. I loved those things. To get a good long flight required winding up the rubber band which hung below the fuselage. After a couple of winds the band would get good and tight, and would begin to double up on itself, resembling small equal sized knots. You knew that band was at full torque, and ready for flight by the whole band having doubled upon itself, and connecting knot after knot.
That band is how the muscles that runs from the middle of my neck to the back of each shoulder feels tonight after another day of close to 8 hours of surf, with what seemed like miles of paddling.
Riddle: what’s the downside to 100 yard lefts? Answer: the paddle back. That’s what our afternoon consisted of .
Today was another boat day, awakening before dawn, and in the boat at first light, and in the water soon after. Our first stop, was a new favorite of ours: Playgrounds. Another great session of fine Nica surf prior to the wind creating a side shore chop.
Once the wind kicked up, we inquired about a possible wind sheltered spot. Chris, our guide took us to “Lance’s Left”, with meager hopes for waves of any size. Boy were we wrong. It appears that the eagerly awaited swell had begun to fill in, and we were immediately in the water scoring those 100 yarders. Tom had an especially great session, magically positioning himself into the best position for take off on the biggest set waves (def overhead) and freight training down the line executing multiple cut backs, throwing buckets of spray.
Freddie also scored some sweet, long lefts, and had a great sesh. I jokingly started calling the left “Freddies” in honor of his great rides.
After a lot of lefts, and the required paddle back out, I was hit simultaneously with dehydration, sunburn, and muscle fatigue. It was a sure sign to return to the Popoyo Lodge for the time honored Latin phenomenon known as the siesta.
Kevin finally got his bag delivered by American Airlines, and can surf his own board tomorrow. After a power nap, Dave and Kevin broke into a guitar jam session.Time for dinner, and an early turn in with more smiles from the crew

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