Thursday, June 7, 2012

Him got tree wives, mon

It's just like out of a Shorty and Slim song.  Our trusted boat driver for the week has 3 wives, and 15 children.  He is 60, and his kids range from 13 months to 36 years old.  Cookie says, "dem tink dey is Mormons up in dare!" So in the song, a boy has chosen a girl to be his bride, and goes to run this by his dad.  His fadda (father), says you can't marry this girl,  and the chorus goes, "she's your sister but your madda don't know"  Undaunted, the boy selects another girl to make his wife.  Again, he goes to his fadda to seek his approval.  "Fadda Fadda" the boys says, but again the fadda states that the next girl he has selected is also his sister, but again,  "your madda don't know"  At this point in the song, the boy is quite vexed, and so he goes to his madda to explain his frustrating situation.  Upon hearing the situation from the boy, the madda snaps back her head in laughter, and tells the boy to marry any girl he like, since "your fadda not your fadda but your fadda don't know!"   The song has come to life here in Bocas del Toro. 

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