Monday, August 27, 2012

Me and my KP bros!!

Had a great month of layovers, with the added bonus of hanging with some buds.  In Islip, I had a prearranged dinner planned with Capt. Movan, and to my surprise, Eric Alber, and his rock star son, William showed up.
The next week, I was in PVD, and rented a car to meet Kinger, and go to see the Boss at Fenway.  It was a most incredible show.  Bruce still has it, and is able to connect with each and every fan of the thousands in attendance.  He makes you feel like you are watching him at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park.  The beauty of his performance is that he is TRULY enjoying himself on stage, and that stoke is transmitted to every specatator.  What a show, even better with a dear friend.

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