Sunday, September 2, 2012

The water glows green

The Yawlie flotilla was launched this evening to experience a true phenomenon of Florida nature.  We did a canoe, kayak, and SUP night tour to observe the bioluminescence in our waters.  As we launched from our canal, the slightest agitation of the water, would literally churn in a green lighted hue.  It emitted a light that resembled the Creepy Crawler- glow in the dark green we all remembered as kids.  It was especially fascinating when the kids dove off the boathouse into the dark brackish waters and lit up like fireflies.

As we paddled, the stroke through the water would actually light up the paddle blade below the surface, and as we would slowly cruise up onto a school of baitfish, they would explode in a firestorm of green, fluorescent , underwater contrails, making vectors of light in their underwater world.  A truly amazing night, and  a reminder of our paradise home town.

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