Monday, December 24, 2012

Tree Burn: Ode to the Zone

You from the Stateside never know
In Panama, land of no snow

Only way we get a tree
Comes from far, across the sea

Jungle trees are everywhere
But ones for Christmas, none to spare

Off the ship, they come a finally
A pretty price, we pay a plenty

This tradition we hold so dear
Follows Christmas every year

Gifts all open, its time to pillage
Through my little Zonian village

Barefoot gangs of motley boys
For these days, abandon toys

Off for the tree hunt search they go
Inspecting high , the crew search low

Through the drives, streets, and places
A frantic pace of searching races

There,! its spotted laying down
A fir treasure let me drag it round

The distant canal is ever flowing
Through the town the search keeps going

Rival boy gangs ends in fight
Dragging trees throughout the night

A grand pile grows in the yard
Look close for the youth guard

A vigil kept through day and night
Beds are fashioned ne’er sleeping tight

One eye open to guard this treasure
Gold and silver by any measure

The guarded pile grows, never losing sight
Of the soon to come glorious night

The yearly ritual, Christmas tree burn
Where each spectator takes his turn

Into the blaze the tree is tossed
Its Christmas value never lost

A grand fire casts bright light and heat
Crackles and pops at every seat

As the glorious blaze casts its cheer
Goodbye to Christmas this CZ year

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