Saturday, July 26, 2014

Monday is Day 4 in Panama

Up early to go to the beach. Ryan has opted out, so it is Matt. Dylan and I. We needed to borrow a  couple of boards for Dylan and Matt.  In order to get the surfboards, we stopped in Veracruz just over the Puente de Americas.  Our route from Veracruz to the beach was along the Autopista, taking us all the way past Coronado to Rio Tetas.  Got to Rio Tits midday with the optimistic hope of sweet surf.  However, we missed the tide, and the swell was over predicted. First sesh was possible chest high waves at "Tits front" but mostly closing out. We decided to break for lunch, and headed for Don Chacos in Coronado. Oh. Also bought fin set at Malibu surf shop in Gorgona. Second sesh was a bust. Tide was too high, so we made it a short sesh. Went back to Coronado Beach Club, pronounced "cloob."

While entering the cloob, we were following a cherry picker utility truck for high tension wire maintenance. As they got closer to the entry gate, they must've realized the truck was too tall to make it through the covered security gate. They started to back up without realizing that we were directly behind them. As Matt groped for reverse, I layed on the horn. But alas. We were front ended by a truck, and propelled backwards. The Panamanian driver exhibited his best "oh well" attitude, but both parties realized we needed a police report. We hailed the police, and luckily there was a Police Sub station across the  street. Sgt shows up on his motorcycle, and is willing to write report faulting truck, but is more worried about Matt driving with no passport.  Since Matt speaks good Spanish, within the context of the conversation with Sgt. Motorcylce cop,  divulges he was born in Panama. He wonders why Matt does not have his sedula, the Panamanian birth document. He continues to cite the infraction, while referencing the tabbed "Nuevo Vehichlo regulations" stating said infraction is a fine of $150 and car impoundment. Matt's Spanish proficiency and birthplace of Panama are quite possibly what saves him from the said infraction. He gives Matt a chance to go get his passport. Upon returning, the cop jokes that he was about to call the Embassy since we were gone so long.  However, he cuts Matt a break and has satisfactoraly flexed his machismo muscle set, while proving to be a good natured motorcycle cop. When we finally get back to the Dolan's beach house, the kids are knocking mangoes out of the trees with a pool pole net. These cousins are loving their tropical lifestyle. Spaghetti dinner at Dolan's beach house.

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