Sunday, July 20, 2014

The gathering of the CZ clan.

Gathering of the Clan 7/19/2014

Returning to Panama, a convergence of the Grimison family occurred at the Tocumen International Airport. Points of origin varied from Washington DC, to Merritt Island, Melbourne, and Coca Beach, FL, spanning 3 generations. By 9 pm all of the travelers had arrived at the airport.

Melinda and Matt came in on the same flight from Atlanta, Rebecca and our family had flown in early in the morning on Copa from Orlando and I also came from Orlando.

I was flying the last day of a 3 day trip this morning, and my first leg was to MCO.  When I was on short final,  I saw the flight that Rebecca and the kids were on as they flew to PTY.

Despite a trip to a 3rd world nation, we managed to stayed connected via social media and texting via wi fi throughout the day.  I was able to track their progress as they flew to Panama and then got settled in with the rental van and lodging.

We are staying at a family friend's home in Albrook. It is absolutely fantastic with the luxury features and Latin accoutrouments of an upscale Panamanian home.  The cousins are all happy to be together.  When we got back from the airport we sat out on the patio, and the caucophony of frog chorus was a transition into the Central American ......sedating the travel weary.

On an interesting flight note, Tom and Christina had to divert to Howard AFB due to weather in PTY, and refueled, to continued to Tocumen when the weather at PTY improved.

The usual surprises took place at the rental car counter as additional insurance charges precluded a second car rental.  Ended up with the 12 passenger "maxi" van.  We will need that for this trip.

Arriving in PTY the kids had adventures to explain to me "the unsafe" playground, which are in fact former U.S. constructed, 1950 vintage playground equipment with industrial strength steel still standing despite Latin maintenance standards.  I was regaled with other stories of:
Grandfather's "80 lb" suitcase falling on Rachel's foot, and  Ryan repeatedly stating, "arent you excited to  go fishing tomorrow?"  Meanwhile, throughout the day, in a short time frame,
Dylan would consume 10 pan-huevos about the size of a muffin at .33 each.  He is in bread heaven

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