Wednesday, July 6, 2016

4th of July at Winni

 I could not describe a more perfect 4th of July than this.  The weather was sheer perfection all day.  Reb and I started the day with a 6 mile run in the beautiful New England outdoors, again skirting the roadside shore line of Lake Winni.  Next order of business was some serious boating action, as Ryan and Dylan tore it up on the kneeboard  and tube, and Rachel would not give up on the kneeboard until she was able to master it.  Quite a show of determination.  There is nothing like a warm day on the Lake!  After lunch, Lori, Jeff, Heather and I headed over to Stonedam Island via kayaks, and walked the 1.5 mile hike which circumnavigated the shoreline of the island.  Oh yes, and Denny the dog was with us as well, and he even flushed out a deer during our stroll.  Back at the house, the rest of the crew either rested, or played some yard games, such as "can jam" and "ladder ball". Non stop good times with our wonderful friends and host familia Kinger!  A most memorable 4th finally ending with more local fireworks on the Fish Cove, as we retired to slumber for our 0300 wake up.  Yikes.  The non rev went without a hitch, and we returned to CB on the 5th exhausted, and completely happy from our jaunt to New England!  Thank you Jeff, Lori, Heather, and Becca for a grand time at the Winni!

                           Rachel on the kneeboard
Can Jammers

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