Friday, July 15, 2016

Days in Paradise

As the old saying goes, today was another day in paradise.  We were up again surfing early at Caranera Point.  The swell had dropped by half, but we still had some really fun waves with less crowds.  Mostly about waist high to chest high left peeling point waves.

When we took the panga back to Cookies place, everyone was ready, so we got our snorkeling equipment and jumped into another panga with Don Choy, our boat driver from the last visit. He took us to three snorkeling spots.  The first was a reef with a grass flat behind it, and then to a starfish location, and then to Blue Coconut, a reef with a restaurant.

These locations were spectacular, and there is nothing like a full day on the water to enjoy Bocas.

The compulsory siesta followed, as the kids went to the Aqua Bar where they played on the water swings, trampoline, and rope swing, as well as some probable unauthorized, age dependent activities.

Our dinner was from OM Indian Cuisine, and of course we took a panga each way.  Traveling with our friends the watsons has been fantastic, as there are some people who could not handle some of the rustic elements of this vacay

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