Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Dylan Enters MMI

Today was an emotional day, dropping off Dylan at Marion Military Academy in Alabama.  We left on a Southwest flight out of Orlando last night, and things seemed to go pretty smoothly.  Especially since he was leaving his family, Isabelle, and mom behind.  Last night in the hotel, his emotions caught up to him, and I could tell he had a restless night, it was all I could do to get him to turn his phone off, and stop texting his girlfriend.  This morning, he was really becoming unhinged as his anxiety level mounted nearing the time to go over to the school.  We had to walk outside to get him contained.  Very weepy about the future with Isabelle.

Once we arrived at school, we met the Taylor's, who had his gear, and had driven up from Florida.  That was the beginning of him relaxing a bit.  Midday he was actually getting blended in pretty well when he found out this was not as uptight as his imagination had elevated it to be.  Being around the other cadets also helped, as did meeting his Alpha Company Lieutenant who hates hazing, and was a very motivated Army ECP candidate.

We ate lunch together, and went to all the check in stations also together.  He was doing quite well, and after lunch, was issued all of his uniforms and gear, and we went to his barracks.  He is Room 309 in Trustee Hall.  So far a roommate had not shown up. After he donned his PT uniform, and formed up with everyone for dinner, and at the ice cream social afterwards, I could tell he was on the verge of tears, and was having a lot of difficulty coping.  It was hard to leave, but realize it is his journey, and although I hated to leave him in that condition, I gave him a big hug, and left,  He has been texting me since.

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