Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Another great breakfast this morning, kind of European buffet style.  The low carb diet is dead in these countries for vacation.  It was almost classic that we rushed down to breakfast, rushed out to go to our first museum and it didn’t open for over an hour after our arrival. 

We did see the Mardasson War Memorial which was located adjacent to the Battle of the Bulge museum.  It was a very informative audio tour of the entire time line of the lead up to WWII and through the Battle of the Bulge in Ardennes, which was Hitler’s last push before the inevitable end.  There were however, a lot of U.S. casualties, and Patton came up to help kick some ass.  

The Belgians and Luxemborgers were very grateful for the contribution of the Americans and their museums reflect this.  

Leaving the Battle of the Bulge museum, we went to Luxembourg for the first time and went to Ettelbruck to view it.  A lot of cool artifacts, and just one little room on Patton, who seemed like quite a character, and his list of maxims was kind of a hoot to read for military leadership.

There was a cool room there of crashed military aircraft remains.  

Next museum was also in Luxembourg in Dietrich, which was the National Military Museum.  The building was formerly a brewery and was occupied by Germans during the war.  This place was great for artifacts, facts, and there was a significant number of dioramas depicting war time scenes of the Americans and Germans.  Very impressive, very well maintained.

The rides have been a hoot, and thank goodness for GPS.  We do miss a lot of turns on the little village streets, but luckily no one in our car is stressing the load, even when I naviagated us to the restaraunt tonight instead of the hotel.  Unfortunately Sully has been fired as the navigator by his driver.  They are not as laid back as the “cool car”

When we finally made it to the hotel Christophe Comob In Luxembourg city, I think and did dinner locally at the Bistro across the street instead of going back to the restaurant that we started at.

Played pool at Q42, obviously a pool bar and ping pong.  

The weather was a little cooler today, in the 50s, but still nice.  

Just now, someone was tapping on our hotel window and Sully popped through to rap tonight. 

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