Friday, November 23, 2018

Turkey Trot 5k, starts Thanksgiving right

The Turkey Trot 5k is an annual family event which starts our Thanksgiving holiday as a family.  We have done this run for a lot of years, and the Cocoa Beach turkey trot has grown to 2000 entrants, and it is a great mingle for seeing those in our small town.

After the run, the preparations continue for the festive gathering at our household for the Grimison family.  This year, we hosted 36 family members, and prepared 3 turkeys for the masses.  We grilled one at the neighbor across the street, Scott and Lisa, cooked one, and Eric G. Brought another one.  Sadly, after dinner we had to watch the Redskins get beaten by Dallas, however, the traditional game of Trivial Pursuit which pits male against female was once again won by the guys.  After that, we played song quiz on the Alexa app.  A great time and a wonderful event courtesy of Rebecca’s diligent work as hostess

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