Wednesday, June 5, 2019

June 5, Bocas

We woke up to do a boat ride with Don Choy as the kids were shopping and eating breakfast.  We went to a lot of the local surf spots Bluffs, Paunch, etc, and continued to observe flat surf.  Like none.  So off to Red Frog beach we went.  Of course, not my fave, but the resort was pretty cool with an infinity pool, nice beach, nice lunch and some nice service.  We bought a day pass, and that included the ferry ride to Bastamientos, and the shuttle to the ocean side of the island.  The kids had a memorable experience as we rode the “Jurassic Park” type transport truck on the trail to the other side, a dog came running our way, passing the truck all observed it had a half eaten iguana in its mouth.  They related that story to all who would listen, and the memory is etched on each of the kids brain.  We tried for an early dinner but just made it for an 8 pm turtle hike on Bluffs Beach.  Our guide was Nina, and we didn’t end up spotting any turtles walking for a few miles on Bluffs under the  guide of her red head lamp.  The stars were most spectacular though, and it made for a great workout.   And, in reference to surf, we rented boards from EDM; Escuela Del Mar.  The surf shop across the street from us at the Tropical Suites.  Hoping and hopeful for surf in the morning.  We have a plan for a bucket list item.  Surf two oceans in one day.

Another “welcome to Bocas” airport shot

The gang ready for transport to Red Frog Beach resort

Red Frog Beach Infinity pol and the fam

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