Friday, June 7, 2019

Surfing at Coronado Point

I was able to catch some waves with Rachel at a favorite spot of the Zonians from back in the day.  Coronado Point is a peeling right wave that can go on for seemingly forever with the right swell.  This day it was waist high plus, and had the usual peeling wave.  Rachel paddled into and caught several waves as did I.  The "old guys" seemed to be in competition with some little local shredders who were catching every wave.  Richard had a good solution to this when one of the kids asked him for wax.  He devised a "wax for waves" scenario wherein if he gave the kid some wax, Richard would get some waves that the young shredder would forego.  "Waves for Wax"

At the place also called Playa Serena.

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