Tuesday, June 29, 2021

USMMA" Before and After"

 Here's a little "before and after" of 1986 and 2021.  Both graduation years for Dylan and I......

Post Change of Command "Pool Jump"


"Bell Ringing", the timeless Kings Point tradition of "ringing the bell" in front of Wiley Hall when license exam is passed.  Incidentally, Dylan was the first of his class to pass every license exam on the initial try.  That pass rate was a small percentage for the seniors of 2021.  A very hard earned accomplishment for Dylan.



That moment of sheer elation! The graduation walk with a freshly earned diploma on Kings Point's Tomb Field:



And finally, this photo sequence shows the "before and after": demonstrating the "making of the man" in the 4 year transformation that is the experience known as the USMMA.

Indoc drop off Day, 2017

Proud graduation Day, 2021

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