Thursday, September 29, 2022

Brevard and the Dupont Bike Retreat

September 27, 2022 Up just before sunrise, which I observed from the porch area at the Dupont Bike Retreat lodge. The sun was just rising over the mountain view as I enjoyed my first cup of coffee. My plan for the day was to ride the Lake Imaging access area of Dupont Forest. First stop was the visitor center for a little map orientation. At the access area, I had a dejavu feeling since I had rode this area before with Mac and Tom. In fact, one of the trails I passed on my ride was called Jim Branch, and that was the very trail that I popped my bicep tendon on during that previous trip. The riding was magnificent, as well as the weather. In the morning, it was handily in the 40s, but it warmed up nicely to the high 60s under clear blue skies. I did speak with Rebecca as I gained cell service from the top of Hickory Mountain during the middle part of my ride, and she said there was no reason to come home for hurricane prep. Notable trails were: Hilltop, Hickory Mountain, and Ridgeline. Those 2 latter trails were so fun that I did them twice. Ridgeline was just recently renovated, or whatever the term for MTB trails is called, and WOW. That is the definition of: fast, flowy, and fun. Perhaps the best short distance of downhill trail that I’ve ever done. After about 17 miles, and being mid afternoon, I ventured into the town of Brevard. I found the visitor center, and they gave me guidance on a coffee shop which was right next door to go use the wifi. It was marginal at best, since I was unable to upload my go pro videos. Also, just across the street I ate at Love Eat Thai, and what a wonderful green curry dish they served. Interestingly, their wifi worked better than the coffee shop. On the way back to Dupont Bike Retreat, I observed a white squirrel. One of the town residents later said that is kinda’ what Brevard is known for, Great day of riding, and Ridgeline was so energizing, almost like a snowboard run!

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