Saturday, September 24, 2022

Glacier Trip with Rebecca

Video Link to Glacier National Park September 2022 with Rebecca What a great trip, to Glacier National Park. Had 4 days of fun hiking and a little bit of biking with Rebecca and also with John Magee. John acted as our tour guide, and kept us on track for some great outdoor experiences. We did a hike everyday ranging from 3.5 miles to 16 miles on the Highline Trail. The middle section of Highline was a 1 mile ascent to an overlook over Grinnell Glacier that was about 1000’ of climb in 1 mile, called the Garden Wall Trail. Grueling. This is a retroactive post, so I will let the youtube link fill in the blanks. We stayed at the Lake MacDonald lodge and had rented a “Turo” car out of the Kalispell airport. This was a great start to my 4 weeks of vacation! Note the slogan on Magee's shirt: "Live a Great Story". A motto to heed, and in keeping with my desire that my life is like a page from Outside magazine!

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