Thursday, May 5, 2011

Last boat day in Popoyo

Today was our last day on the boat. For the next two days, we will be taking land access to the world class Nica surf breaks.

Another long day of surfing: 2 sessions. First we caught Lance's Left in the early a.m. as it provided a great wind break from the wind. After about 3 1/2 hours of surfing Lance's, a fair crowd showed up, and we raised anchor to go to Chaca Centre.

Lance's was the classic long left point break, and CC couldn't have been any different. It was a heavy, hollow, spitting, barreling, beach break. Very critical take offs, and if there was ever an example to show how to ride those waves, it was set by our guides Chris and Richard. Fearless takeoffs at the crest of a pitching wave, a quick bottom turn, then the arm drag to pull solidly into barrel after barrel. A whole new skill set, also proficiently demonstrated by Dave and Tom.

I left Chaca Centre with throbbing arms, sunburned, lice welted, scraped, bruised, rashed, and happy.

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