Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10 still at Popoyo

Were up to 30.5 on the Drazich meter.  Had a pretty fun day of surf, sometimes frustrating with the fading swell.  Had the boat this morning, and went to Playgrounds for some crosschop A frames.  I was using Freddie's Go Pro, and found it a bit distracting.  We got in two solid hours at Playgrounds, and tried to catch a sesh at Lance's Left.  The swell never filled in to the point of good surf.  We retired to the casitas for some burgers, and a bit of rest.

Cumulative fatigue is catching up.  Had a frustrating session at Popoyo, since there was about 30 surfers out in the line up, completely aggro, and the swell was sending an intermittent group of sets.  Alot of jockeying for position, and caught a few waves,  we'll see how the Go Pro did, I think my best wave did not get an image.  Mike Devo had a great wave at Playgrounds that was caught on film by Renato.  A true hero shot, that made the trip a trophy trip.

Rest up for a full day of charging tomorrow.

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