Thursday, May 10, 2012

Popoyo May 9, 2012

We are up to 26.5 on the Drazich meter in 4 ½ days of surfing in Nicaragua.  George Drazich is a friend who keeps track of all is surfing hours, so as a service to him, we have kept track of our time in the water.  Today was 7 hours, and 3 sessions.

We were literally awake with the roosters this morning.  We know that since they begin cockle doodle dooing pre sunrise.  The same time boot camp surfers are awakened.  Chris, our most awesome surf guide raps on our door, so early, but with the racket thrown up by the roosters, we are typically already awake.

We took a roadtrip through some farmers fields to the surf spot called Colorado’s today.  It is a classic beach break, that was A framey, but closey outey.  We managed some short rides in a somewhat crowded lineup.  Dave Reeves absolutely thrives on that kind of beach break, and was teering it up!!

As Eddie reclined on the beach, for some reason Chris had to move the Landcruiser, and accidentally drove over Eddie’s Peli board.  However, through his local contacts, he had it completely fixed tonight.  A major repair that was a $15 charge.  Nica rate.

Back to a real breakfast, and quickly back out to Popoyo.  That place is like a machine that turns on at the same day everyday.  We paddled and surfed for about an hour, then, at about 2, the head high peaky A frames start rolling in.  Coincidentally, that is about the same time that the crowd thins out, so we “own the peak”  It was the Dave show as both Dave R and Dave C were tearing it up.  I was just humbled to catch some of their leftovers, however, I left totally satisfied, completing seshie number dos.

After some burgers, we again did a quick turnaround to Popoyo for the pre sunset sesh, which actually lasted into sunset and beyond.  It was almost a carbon copy of the afternoon sesh, with even cleaner conditions, if you can believe that.  Scored a lot of fun lefts.  However, the injuries have started to creep their way into some aged bodies, I popped a hamstring this afternoon on a hyper extended kick out, we have had board impaling, fin scrapes, and bottom scrapes.  None serious in nature, though, and the ever present ache seems to be from paddling overuse, shoulders and legs.  Rashing up of course, all the usual spots.

I wish I could take a digital photo of a mental image.  At the sun slid behind the Pacific for the day, I was awaiting the last wave in.  The clear crystalline water was a smooth glassy surface which perfectly mirrored the pink and orange clouds that were still illuminated by the now set sun.  It was spectacular, and almost as much as the sun prior to it’s retreat below the Pacific waters.  It shone round, orange and bright, bidding us farewell until manana.

Tonight was langosta night at the surf lodge.  Every imaginable type of dish made with langosta was provided buffet style.  It began with langosta and arroz, lobster bisque, ceviche, and capered, and garliced lobster halves.  So yummy, and just a fine finish to a fine day of surfing.  Eating some lobster in Nicaragua with the surf buds after a full day of fun surf.  Does it get any better than this.  I’m thinking NO.

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