Wednesday, November 14, 2018

November 10th France


Today’s pace took on a much slower frequency.  Gladly.  Woke up and actually had a very relaxing breakfast and departure. 

First stop was the Pegasus Bridge, taken by the British gliders and paratroopers to take the bridge for the invasion 6-6-44

Hung out at the 3 Glider cafe on the river next to the bridge and a very nice museum at the Pegasus Bridge.  Met a British Scout troop, and Bernie made a typical speech to them.

Onto Pointe du Hoc and Utah Beach, and found a great grocery store, resembling the Super Wal Mart of France.  Got a bunch of shrimp with Marcus for a great dinner.

The rest of the crew is partying on into the night.  
                                                                                      Pegasus Bride
                                                                      Me sully and Marcus at Pegasus Bridge
                                                          Bernie and I meet a Scout troop from the UK

                                            The U.S. Navy has landed at Omaha Beach, VT 2 and VT 6 flags flown V V V

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