Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Veterans Day in France 11/11

Still in the Chateau on Omaha Beach. Today was not only Veterans Day, but it is also the 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day.  I can say with certainty that this trip has definitely given me a new appreciation of the sacrifices of those that went before us.
Again we had a slower start to the morning, however, Q was up before the crack of dawn to run his usual 5 or 6 miles, and Marcus and Bernie were on a walk pre sunrise.  

In addition to the aforementioned labels for the day, it was also Sunday, so Bernie aptly wove a visit to a church into the days schedule.  We visited Saint Mere Eliglise where during 6-6-1944 a paratrooper from and Airborne Division was caught up in the church’s structure, was briefly captured and then escaped to continue fighting the Germans, John Steele.  He was immortalized in the movie, The Longest Day.  

There was another Paratrooper museum in the town which was not as impressive as some of the others we’ve seen.  The interactive ipad was a dud for sure, and there were only 3 real exhibits: paratrooper, C-47 and the Waco glider.

The true shining star to today’s events was the mass in the St. Mere-Eglise church for a Catholic mass given completely in French.  Being that it was Veterans Day, a lot of the town’s local veterans were in this mass carrying flags.  After the mass, the vets made a procession to the towns graveyard where the Mayor spoke, vets were presented awards, and the local town children laid wreaths, bouquets and recited the names of the fallen from WWI.
                                                             Chef James at the Chateau
                                         At the Normandy American Cemetery Sully, Q, Marcus, me, Dutch
                                                  WWI commemoration at St. Mere Eglise
                                                            Stained glass with paratroopers
Had a small snack in the bakery, and then pressed on to the American Cemetery of Normandy.  Very impressive visitor center and as always, the American Cemetery was maintained so well.  Saw the Roosevelt brothers, and the Niland brothers graves side by side brother to brother.  
A couple Medal of Honor grave stones with gold leaf on the head stone.  The Niland brothers are who inspired Steven Spielberg to write Saving Private Ryan.  

A truly inspiring visit to the site of a grave American battle, American sacrifice and heroism.  So appropriate for this Veterans Day on the 100th Anniversary.

At dinner tonight, Bernie had arranged for a chef to prepare dinner.  It was spectacular.  Salads, followed by beef stroganoff entree, followed by personal pan apple cobblers.  

Being our last and 3rd night in the Chateau, the guys had a big night of camaraderie and smokin’ and jokin’, recapping our visit together, and looking at non rev flights out of CDG on Tuesday.  A very enjoyable day

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