Friday, June 7, 2019

Home from Panama

Another successful trip to Panama!  We stayed at Danny Reyes house last night, which was ironically our last night (in Panama).  It would not be complete without that last visit to Napoli's pizza, where we met the Richard Grimison family.  We were up at 5 this morning, and off to Tocumen airport.  Not a single glitch non revving to MCO, and we had a row for the 3 of us.

In Cocoa Beach this afternoon, we helped the Outrigger Club paddle a couple of their boats from the Yacht Club to the beach at Jetty Park. Scott Roche is running a regatta tomorrow, and there will be a boat with some Zonian calico paddlers providing propulsion: Pat Grimison,  Alan Dekle, and Brian Robinson.

We all went out tonight to Roberto's and then to the 4th Street Filling Station.  A really nice evening.

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