Wednesday, February 26, 2020

MTB 10/11/19


Tucked into a real bed in Las Vegas, Sahara again for the 3 rd time this week.  Almost felt like coming home.  Up early after the best night of sleep I had in the tent.  The real cold temps never quite made it, and the wind thankfully dropped off.  The nights sleep felt great.

We moved out a little quicker this morning for our last day of riding. It entailed the usual 0730 “coffee” call, but the usual cold breakfast (earlier than the hot) was accompanied by the hot in order to head out.  Packed up and were on the road at 0930.

Went down towards the town of Hurricane, UT to ride the JEM trail. It was loads of fun, as the first 6 or 7 miles were a flowy downhill.  Whoops all around!!!  At the intersection of the Cryptobiotic and JEM trail, we took Cryptobiotic and continued down to the edge of the Hurricane Canal, and rode the rim trail.  It got a little interesting at this point.

The pack leaders as usual were Q, Sully, and Mac, also Thor was with them.  I had fallen back, and they apparently missed the turn over the China Wash to continue on Rim Trail.   Well, as I proceeded, not seeing anyone ahead, began to feel like I was on the wrong trail.  However, it appeared that I was heading towards Hurricane, so I continued, even passing a hiker inquiring if the guys were ahead.  

Along about this time, i receive a call from Sully asking about the trail.  I was uncertain but continued and it turned out I was on the right trail.  Everyone joined up and we did the victory descent on the road to Hurricane.  

Stopping in the town park, we had a nice lunch, and said our thanks to the guides, Matt and Tim as well as the non-Navy riders: Chuck, Mary, and Thor.

At St. George, we said goodbye to Bill Hart, and continued to Vegas.  Had dinner at the Peppermill and came back to watch the Nationals beat St. Louis, and Mac was ecstatic,

It was a great week, hanging with some very special bros, and I am happy to be going home tomorrow, nothing broken, and great memories of a solid week of mountain biking. 

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