Friday, September 30, 2022

Carvin Cove MTB trail video

Day 4 on the trails: Blue Ridge MTB excursion!

September 29, 2022 I was getting constant updates from Rebecca about the storm, and its effects on our home. We were lucky in Brevard County as it appears that only minimal damage was sustained, and most of it it just windblown branch clean up. My first stop was in the LBS: local bike shop called “Just the Right Gear”. When I told him I was from Florida, he exclaimed, ‘so you’re ready to climb?” I said I didn’t mind climbing, but I totally underestimated what that meant. In order to do the trail I had read/youtubed about, it required a climb up a trail called The Trough. Wow, it was over a mile ascent over loose shale and I will admit that I did a fair amount of hike-a-bike. It took 30 minutes to get to the top of that trail, and then there was still some climbing to do up a fire road to the Gauntlet. Another admission: this was a very compelling case for an e-bike mountain bike. My first admission of this! It’s coming, eventually. I felt the effects from 4 days on the trail today, took it at about 75% effort. Well, Gauntlet was pretty fun, but it begs the question, “was the juice worth the squeeze?” I am not so sure, since it seemed pretty treacherous on that screaming downhill with the loose shale and root filled trail surface. Back on the road to Mac’s in Hague Va. 4.5 hours to arrive in time for the beautiful sunset, maybe the last sky seen that’s not overcast due to Ian hitting the East Coast now.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Last day in Dupont: Big Rock Trail

September 28, 2022 How glorious it is to be in a hotel room tonight, albeit the LaQuinta, and surprisingly there is no Denny’s next door. Oh, the horror. I am in Salem, VA. The morning consisted of my usual coffee in the “lounge” at the Dupont Bike Retreat as I prepared for my day, eager to ride another day at Dupont Forest. Today, I mostly rode the Big Rock/Cedar Rock Trail system with the Cascade Loop as well. I met up with a couple of riders from Greenville, and followed them down, specifically Big Rock which I mistakenly tried to climb. Bad idea. It was very technical downhill, and that’s what I love, I guess I rode about 7 miles, making it one of my shorter days, however, a lot of climbing. The texts and phone calls have been flying as the hurricane Ian changed course from up the West Coast to go right over the Florida peninsula above Orlando, and the I 4 corridor. That makes Cocoa Beach on the bad side for winds and rain on the outer bands. Its slow moving, so hopefully it blows itself out somewhat, however, Rebecca is prepped with the generator at the ready. She did go out to the Hunker Down, and was not overly concerned, other than possible power loss. Did a fairly long drive this afternoon from Brevard to Salem Virginia. Lots of terrain, especially between Asheville and Johnson City. I didn’t realize I had to take a road West, as I was on 26 W however it seemed like I was mostly going Northeast. The glorious part is taking a long hot shower, and doing a load of laundry in the hotel, after 3 nights of camping out in a tent. I will be riding the Carver’s Cove area tomorrow.

Brevard and the Dupont Bike Retreat

September 27, 2022 Up just before sunrise, which I observed from the porch area at the Dupont Bike Retreat lodge. The sun was just rising over the mountain view as I enjoyed my first cup of coffee. My plan for the day was to ride the Lake Imaging access area of Dupont Forest. First stop was the visitor center for a little map orientation. At the access area, I had a dejavu feeling since I had rode this area before with Mac and Tom. In fact, one of the trails I passed on my ride was called Jim Branch, and that was the very trail that I popped my bicep tendon on during that previous trip. The riding was magnificent, as well as the weather. In the morning, it was handily in the 40s, but it warmed up nicely to the high 60s under clear blue skies. I did speak with Rebecca as I gained cell service from the top of Hickory Mountain during the middle part of my ride, and she said there was no reason to come home for hurricane prep. Notable trails were: Hilltop, Hickory Mountain, and Ridgeline. Those 2 latter trails were so fun that I did them twice. Ridgeline was just recently renovated, or whatever the term for MTB trails is called, and WOW. That is the definition of: fast, flowy, and fun. Perhaps the best short distance of downhill trail that I’ve ever done. After about 17 miles, and being mid afternoon, I ventured into the town of Brevard. I found the visitor center, and they gave me guidance on a coffee shop which was right next door to go use the wifi. It was marginal at best, since I was unable to upload my go pro videos. Also, just across the street I ate at Love Eat Thai, and what a wonderful green curry dish they served. Interestingly, their wifi worked better than the coffee shop. On the way back to Dupont Bike Retreat, I observed a white squirrel. One of the town residents later said that is kinda’ what Brevard is known for, Great day of riding, and Ridgeline was so energizing, almost like a snowboard run!

Mulberry Gap Shuttle

September 26, 2022 Prepped bike and gear, broke down camp at Mulberry Gap, and enjoyed another great meal at the “Barn”. This bike camp is absolutely fantastic with superior hospitality. At 10 a group of us loaded up the shuttle, apparently the 2000’ ascent was up a mountain called “Potato Patch” mountain due to the potato sized rocks encountered. The shuttle was much appreciated as that road up gravel would’ve been fairly brutal. The descent was magnificent through the woods of the Cohutta forest. Lots of roots and rocks and that yielded a couple of “endos”. In all the descent from the shuttle drop off was 2000’ of descent and 1000’ of ascent. It was a glorious fall day with the temps in the 60s. I was on the road by 2:00 after a “me” shower as well as a bike shower! The ride was nearly 3.5 hours, taking a stop at Walmart in an area called Blue Ridge for some supplies and gas. The last hour or so was through some serious winding climbing and descending mountain rides which made me wonder which was more treacherous, the mountain biking or the ride to get there. Passed over the Eastern Continental Divide a couple of times elev. 3868’ Notable treacherous roads were the Walnut Creek and Pine Creek over a gap, winding and crazy. Finally pulled into the Dupont Bike Retreat at a little after 6 where I set up camp in the Hill Top site, had some dinner from the cooler, tried to make a fire (wet wood-no go) and hit the rack early.

"Travel Day" to Mulberry Gap, GA

September 25, 2022 I was up and out of the Marriott Courtyard Tallahassee by 0945. I said goodbye to Rachel, but she was fast asleep from a late night out on the College Town. The Waze app had me routed on the back country roads North out of Tally through Thomasville, and other small towns each one highly populated with churches, patriotic slogans, Trump signs, and I even saw a sign that read “Jesus 2024”. It reminded me of the drives I used to take back home when I lived in Pensacola, two lanes through the pine forests, but also pocked with cotton fields and pecan groves. Another prominent feature is the Georgia state troopers lurking in the forest shadows waiting with their radar guns providing ample speed traps. One town I passed through was Warwick Georgia, proudly displaying their status as the “home of the national Grits festival”. Grits and God, welcome to Georgia. I finally made it onto I-75 and picked up a real highway, but as I continued towards Atlanta, the traffic expectedly got a little crazier, and added a little extra time to the drive. It totaled about 7 hours when I finally arrived at the Mulberry Gap mountain bike camp. The terrain North of Atlanta definitely got a little steeper, and as I proceeded out of Ellijay, the road got really windy and steep. In fact, I lost cell service, and had to double back to grab a bar of service in order to find my was to Mulberry Gap. Such a well maintained and cool camp. I got my tent set up on the Brook side site, and headed up to the “Barn” for dinner. It was yummy. I met 2 other mountain bike couples and another tent camper who it looks like will be sharing the shuttle tomorrow. I sat in the Barn for a little while after dinner enjoying the solitude of these forests, drinking tea, and taking a true chill. Now as I type, I am in the tent as the brook babbles just a few feet away and the crickets are chirping in the still forest. Looking forward to a great ride tomorrow on the Bearhoti trail, a combination of the Pehoti and Bear trails. Gladly, it looks as if these other riders are going to be doing the same ride.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

FSU vs BC Game Day!

10/25 Went to a quaint little country store with the Dolans yesterday morning called, Bradley’s Country store. Their specialty was homemade smoked sausage. The route out to the place was through old Florida, country roads that were canopy covered live oak, shrouded in Spanish moss. We got out of town to try and avoid the crazy crowds in Tallahassee as a result of game day, and especially parent's weekend. In reference to the FSU vs BC game football game last evening, one can only say “what a game!” It was a drubbing to say the least. 44-14 was the final score, and the 3rd string was brought in as early as the 3rd quarter. The very first play started with a returned FSU kick to a touch down. The score was up 14-0 in the first 2:10 and the drubbing only continued. All that a non-drinker can say about my wife and daughter is that they were in a “festive mood”. Nice to be here with Rachel for her parent’s day weekend. The bar scene here in Tallahassee resembles spring break more than any college party experience I am used to. At a tailgate for some Cocoa Beach area folks, one of the dad’s said FSU was #2 party school behind Arizona State University. What I observed can totally support that. Back on the road this morning for the 6 hour drive to Mulberry Gap, Mountain Bike Camp in Ellijay GA

Saturday, September 24, 2022

September roadtrip begins: 1st stop Tallahassee

Road trip begins: 1st stop Tally. The morning started in the best way possible, to start the day, a sweet surf session. At 4th Street, all the local characters were there. On the road shortly thereafter, and ended up in the bars with my senior FSU student, out with the other shell shocked parents. We followed Rachel through her usual haunts, no stranger to the happy hour scene.

Glacier Trip with Rebecca

Video Link to Glacier National Park September 2022 with Rebecca What a great trip, to Glacier National Park. Had 4 days of fun hiking and a little bit of biking with Rebecca and also with John Magee. John acted as our tour guide, and kept us on track for some great outdoor experiences. We did a hike everyday ranging from 3.5 miles to 16 miles on the Highline Trail. The middle section of Highline was a 1 mile ascent to an overlook over Grinnell Glacier that was about 1000’ of climb in 1 mile, called the Garden Wall Trail. Grueling. This is a retroactive post, so I will let the youtube link fill in the blanks. We stayed at the Lake MacDonald lodge and had rented a “Turo” car out of the Kalispell airport. This was a great start to my 4 weeks of vacation! Note the slogan on Magee's shirt: "Live a Great Story". A motto to heed, and in keeping with my desire that my life is like a page from Outside magazine!