Wednesday, February 26, 2020

MTB 10/8/19

October  8, 2019

Its early am, and I really had a fitful night of sleep. Not too sure why, since temperature was great, and I had a good Thermarest pad.  Even took an ibuprofen PM at about 2 last night. Hmmm, great fitness yesterday too, with riding.  We’ll see how today goes, since the sleep was fitful. 

P.m.  Just finished our epic 14 mile ride all along the rim of the Gooseberry Mesa.  Just fantastic views, single track trails and very technical sections.  A really great feeling to finish.  Mac and I felt really strong, and kept each other’s vibe strong.  A really sunny warm day, not a precursor of the forecast which has some cold temps stating tomorrow night with 50 mph gusts.    Having such a great time with the greatest bunch of guys ever.  

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