Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Woke up early and off to Tits by myself. On the access road, I ran into 2 Panamanian surfers we had met at Tits yesterday. Their names were Juan and Gustav, they are lawyer and architect. They said Tits was only OK but if I wanted to follow them, they would show me a new surf spot they knew about. So, I followed them to San Carlos, past the hospital, and down to the beachside fish camp. I have been this way before, at the hospital with Tommy 3 years prior, and the fish camp with Bill Fahy many years prior, when buying corvina. Another name simply meaning, sea bass. So, I dropped off the rental mini van at the fish camp, and hopped in their 4X4 to go down the beach to their spot. The rock point was called Jeffrey's, and it was a small wave which was peeling right, however it was pretty small. Although, I only surfed for about an hour, it was WAY cool hanging with the Panamanian surf dudes, and embracing Panama culturally.
Drove back to DeCameron with a smile!!
After I got back to the resort, we immediately loaded up the mini-van, to FINALLY make our trip to El Valle. Patrick followed with Brandon, Chelsea, and Shannon. El Valle is about 1 hour from the resort. It is 28 km off the beach road, up a steep curvy and peligroso road. Max attention from the driver is paramount. There are some spectacular vistas enroute, both of cloud-topped mountains, as well as beautiful scenes towards the Pacific whence we came. It is half ascent, followed by half descent in to El Valle.
We searched for the Canopy Adventure including the zip line and waterfall hike. We happened upon another short hike at the Piedra Pintada. It was a rock with heirogliphics, but we could not tell if they were authentic or false.
Once at the rock, the heavens opened up in a rainy season deluge, wall of water. Driving into the rain, we finally found the canopy zip-line, but it was closed, and in our thoroughly drenched state, we opted to return to DeCameron. It was a treacherous road home with sheets of rain falling from above. Luckily, as we reached the top, and began descending on the Pacific side, the skies cleared, providing for much safer passage.
Late afternoon marked the primary reason for our visit--the Catholic union of Matthew and Teresa. It was a beach wedding of the most beautiful sort. All the men and boys were clothed in black pants with white Guyaberas, and the girls of the wedding party were clothed in tipico Panamanian dresses made by Guaymi indians, white linen decorated in bold indian prints.
Father Dave gave the matrimonial formalities as the warm Panama breezes blew while the sun began to set in a colorful array of Pacific flurry. It was a full mass complete with readings and prayers from the Grimison brothers, and the Wedding Song, performed by all the siblings. This special performance was one marking the last bethrothal of a Grimison 8. Appropriately nicknamed, Tio Ocho!
A poolside reception followed with Panamanian dishes, and music which lended itself to a most festive evening of dancing and fellowship.
Richard got up on stage and accompanied Alex Reyes in some Shorty and Slim songs as he rapped to a Yellowman tune, singing something about a husband and wife cooking chicken and rice together while the wife is falling down in a rum induced stupor. It was somehow related to this sacred event of marriage. This was followed by a Zonian tradition of a full chorus singing Bob Marley's Redemption Song.
As the poolside reception wound down, the true partiers migrated to the sports bar where the festivities continued to the wee hours.
Reb and Rach at Rehearsal

My first order of activity was to hit the gym this morning. Ryan had really wanted to go to the gym also, however, they had an age limit of 18. He was disappointed, since on our trip to Norfolk this summer, he had fun on the treadmill. I got on the spinning bike before the surf expidition with da Boyz.
After surfing (see later post), it was Rebecca's turn in the gym, and Dylan's turn for some homework, and Ryan and Rachel played in the pool. I had an enjoyable lunch with Liz and Anita.
The afternoon was spent chillin' at the resort, and the kids are glowing in their feeling of independece completely surrounded by the cousins they love.
Reb took Ryan and Rachel on a beach horseback ride, they really enjoyed it.
The evening was happily occupied with the rehearsal dinner on the beach in front of the resort. The wedding song was practiced by the Grimison 8, to the joy of all.
After the rehearsal, the resort had a wonderful dinner for the wedding party in Cafe Med.
The kids retired to a DS party in Dito's kids room.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Planned on the trip to El Valle, but Richard, Patrick, Dito, and Brandon were going back to Tits. It seemed very difficult to pass on that opportunity. Again, the trip El Valle was pushed back. I loaded up my boys and boards and we b-lined it to Tetas. The tide was right, and the swell was right. So, the boys tried the front, but it was still a little intense, so they retreated to the river for some more fun. I paddled out to join Richard at the point. It was a great time, the wave was framing up, pitching out, an walling to the left. Got some great waves. I exited the agua thoroughly exhausted, replete with surf, only to observe Patrick tearing up the Front as if he were shredding a vintage twin fin circa 1979. After a couple hour sesh, took Brandon, Dylan, and Ryan to El Rey--Crunchies and Kist!! It has become a favorite. CLICK PLAY TO VIEW VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rachel's Birthday Bike trip

Got out of the PVQ: Panama Vacation Quarters intending to hit Playa Teta, then continue on to El Valle. Our target time for departure was 0930, of course, we were off target on the tardy side. We attempted to go to the top of Ancon Hill, however, they only allowed one car at a time to the top. Quite comical, it demonstrated true Central American efficiency. Our next stop was to be the Goethal's Monument, where there ws no water in the fountain/pool. However, it still filled the bill for Rebecca's photo op. Up and over La Puente de Americas where we viewed many ships lined up in the Pacific for entry/transit. Stopped at El Rey in Coronado for some favorite treats for mom and kids--Fresa Kist and Crunchie Bars.
The road and hill to Tits was a bit bumpy, and the tension within the vehicle began to build. I was very interested in getting Dylan and Ryan into some sweet Pacific waves. We hit the tide wrong, however, and the high tide was waist to chest high, and mostly closed out. It was a little intense for the young Atlantic surfers, however, the Rio proved to be fun for all the kids. The river is cold and brown, and it meets the warm, blue Pacific as it flows past a steep sand drop that provided mucho fun for the ninos.
Upon leaving the surf, Rebecca decided that it was time to go to DeCameron, and El Valle would wait.
At DeCameron, the check in process was quite disorganized, and we ended up going to a couple of different lobbies before finding the proper one. Upon check inb we had a 2 hour wait before our room was ready. We dined in the Panamai restaurant, where the kids enjoyed the all-inclusive resort's ample buffet.
We finally got into our room as the rest of the guests began to trickle in. Having done El Valle, and hearing glowing reports, Rebecca was quite discouraged we had deviated from plan for the benefit of surf.
After settling in, we met the remainder of the guests for dinner.
Today was Rachel's birthday today, and she missed no opportunity to tell others about it. She seemed to enjoy her special day, waking up to her traditional balloons and cards from all her relatives. Tia Rachel bought her a Panamanian birthday cake from Momy's in Panama City, and we had a small celebration for her at the Atlantica restaurant with most of her cousins, aunts, and uncles. The night wrapped up with a Panamanian kids show, with all the ninos in a blissful, cousin-shrouded experience.
Monos in the trees!!!!
This morning's plan was to spend time boating on Gatun Lake in the Panama Canal. We woke up to a light rain, and used the opportunity to discuss the scientific method with Dylan to determine if the rain was only over us on Ancon Hill. We had planned on a 9 am meeting at the Gamboa marina. Althgouh we were on the water a bit later, the reason was that we were utilizing 3 boats for 10 families with 33 family members. So a bit late was actually pretty reasonable. Andrew Efthamitis showed up as one of the boaters with his huge "Tin Kitty"' a metal dual hull offshore fishing boat which held 18 of our explorers. We were finally underway, and our first turn was under the Gamboa bridge that Rebecca fondly remembers jumping into the water from in high school. We immediately turned towards the Atlantic side of the canal, and skirted the rainforested shores of beauty. Our first stop was at Monkey Island, that was without a doubt, a huge hit with the ninos. The monkeys came out of the trees to eat bananas and grapes out of our hands. Next we transited to another island through a pass which was barely wide enough for the boats to pass through. It was a real life Apocalypse Now/Heart of Darkness feel that took us to the second island with mono ti ti's living on it. They were actually Geoffrey's Tamarins, and were a bit more shy and reserved than the first species. Again, it was a big hit. Directly behind this island was a large houseboat which was named the Gatun Explorer, and we were able to gain permission to utilize the large meeting area for our lunch stop as well as their deck for swimming. Also, the boat contained some animals which were held in captivity including boa constrictor, toucans, iguanas, and caymans. Quite a stop!!!! After the lunch stop and swim session, it was back to the boats to transit back to Gamboa and a ride on the trans-Isthmian highway through the old Canal Zone back to Ancon Hill. Rachel and Rebecca took advantage of one of their favorite activities which was to get their nails done at a local manicure/pedicure shop. Dylan did his homework and Ryan played. Just before dinner time, we commenced Rachel's birthday celebration (7 anos,manana) by a bicycle ride out on the Causeway, followed by dinner at Bennigan's with Tia Rachel and cousin Mary Jane. It was complete with a Panamanian birthday song in Rachel's honor. Rachel really enjoyed her birthday evening.
On the Chiva Bus
10/21/2008, Chiva Bus Fun
I drove back from the beach today after the completely satisfying surf sesh at Playa Teta. It is about an hour drive back, and I missed the turn on the Autopista to Chorrero and ended up going over the new bridge near paraiso. Got back to the PVQ, and Rebecca and the kids were still shopping upon their return trip from Summitt Zoo.
I just chilled out at the bohio waiting for them as I read and relaxed near the rainforest canopy on Quarry heights.
This evening, a chiva bus showed up for a rolling party. Imagine if you will a converted school bus with flashing lights and strobes, side benches and drink holders blaring Panamanian club music as we rolled through town dancing the night away. It was very fun, and the kids stayed with Brandon in the VPQ. Our tour went throghg old Canal Zone , downtown Panama , and the Causeway. The music filled the bus and the dancing never ended. We took one brief stop at the other side of Ancon Hill and were entertained by a mugda band while the group continued dancing.
Monday, October 27, 2008
A Surf and Zoo Day

Woke up and prepared some yummy Palo Alto coffee, followed by a homework session for Dylan. He is really hanging in there with his studies each day. Patrick takes a group of the cousins for a walk up Ancon Hill. Rich gets us a new rental car, and then we assemble for the Bach party for Tio Ocho. Our trip into the Interior has not changed much since 2005, and we do a surf check after arrival at el Rey in Coronado. The check at the Clube does not look to encouraging, so we check Rio Mar which is not looking much better. However, here is the email I sent to my friends in Cocoa Beach:
Hello my surf compadres!
Just got back from Ocho's "bachelor" party, which was a 2 day surf trip. Got a little later start yesterday than I would've liked, but due to the tide times it was all good. We drove about an hour to the "Interior" of Panama, and arrived at Rio Mar at about mid tide. Rio Mar and Coronado were looking a little weak, so we drove to the Grimison "home break" of Playa Tetas. As the tide was dropping, the Tetas "front" was working which is where the river goes out to sea. Since the underlying swell was not very big, and also, long period we had to be patient but were rewarded with some chest high lefts. Our group was a pretty formidable size, about 9 surfers, but waves were to be had by all.
This morning we checked Playa Palomar and Rio Mar again. Both were looking a little deep from the high tide. High tide flu. We opted to delay the departure briefly awaiting the turning tide. Again, Playa Tetas was the call. The swell had come up some during the night, and again we began the sesh at Tetas front. This day the waves were coming at a faster pace, and somewhat bigger. I could not help but notice that warm Central American feel to the paddle out, as the water's surface takes on that marbled quality with the foam overlying the glassy surfaced agua, and the water with that fresh, briny smell. Today was fun, and as the front closed down, the Point at Tetas picked up. It is a pretty good paddle out to the Punta, however, the sets were pitching over a boil created by 3 submerged boulders. The take offs felt late over the boils, however, after the drop and bottom turn, the lefts were walling up for a spectacular, hollow, chest high wave--very shreddable. It felt good to NOT experience the residual effects of a previous nights' bach celebration, and get some activity of the most glorious kind in Centro America.
Dylan and Ryan are dying to get to the beach, and hopefully will get their turn Thursday, as the whole family will be hitting the beach for 4 days.
Hope all is well with my bien amigos in CFL.
For dinner we dined on leftover chorizo/meat stickers from the baptism party and played poker way late into the night. Stayed at Walter Botins home in Rio Mar, Rachel G’s grandfather.
The moms took the ninos to Summitt Zoo and then Miraflores locks whilst the dads surfed their lives away.
The Monkeys in the tree tops
One of our first priorities every morning was to do an hour of homework with Dylan. He was very diligent in his studies, and this morning he completed his homework as the monkeys gave a show outside the backyard bohio. Ryan was determined to see a monkey in the backyard, and baited the tree stand with bananas. All the kids were fascinated, and the cousins really enjoyed the show just behind the Quarters. Rebecca completed her last minute preparations for Jack’s baptism party today. The family all was on hand for Jack’s baptism in St. Mary’s church, and it was a formidable crowd. Rachel also received a blessing since her birthday is this week. Luckily, a thunderstorm came and went, for the baptism party was dry, as the local Panamanian cooks from the Quarters cooked yucca, arroz con pollo, and meat on a stick (empalitos). Additionally, the coolers were filled with Soberana and Panama beer, as the reggae music played in the background. Later in the evening, the group all went to the Balboa Yacht Club to listen to Alex (Shorty and Slim sin Slim) playing all the favorite songs, as the kids formed a conga line and danced to reggae music. Rich Grimison was the guest singer, and conducted a rap to a Slim reggae song to imress all in attendance.

Wake up for a short hike in the vicinity of the PVQ, on Ancon hill, and see wonderful birds and nikis, all the while listening to the sounds of the rainforest. Dylan knocks out a short homework sesh, and then, it is off to Nico’s for breakfast. Tipico Panamanian. Do a CZ tour as Rebecca and Christina shows us the old houses which the Grimisons lived in, as well as St. Mary’s Catholic church, the family place of worship. The kids love the CZ playgrounds which are brightly colored Latin paints. We observe many iguanas, and some mini ferns which retreat into themselves when you touch them. We check out the house next to PCC, that college is being converted into a Panamanian Maritime Academy. Back to the PVQ, with kids as mom goes grocery shopping. Homework sesh and pool sesh at PVQ with kids. We go to Miraflores after dinner, and the kids are fascinated by all the tropics has to offer, sticks, gourds, waterfalls, and every walk is an experience in new experience. Cooked some filetes for dinner on grill behind PVQ, as other families show up, adding to the fantasy cousin experience. Sharing the quarters with the Niemeyers.
10/17/2008 Panama Trip

Friday morning, we sent the kids to school for half day as we will be going down to Panama this afternoon. Dylan takes two tests this day. Rebecca and I spent all morning making last minute preparations for the trip. Christina shows up with Ed at 1130 to travel with us to the airport. Ed will not be making the trip this time. We get on the road just a little bit after noon with an attitude full of cheer, and a carload of luggage and surfboards. At the airport, we get what could possibly be the kids first experience checking bags, and having reserved seats, a reflection of being an “airline family”. We meet another Grimison family at the airport, and check in with Rachel, Mary Jane, and Eric Grimison. We are assigned seats 19 A-F, and the kids take in the movie, Get Smart, and Dylan also starts a bit of his homework. Rachel P. talks the whole way to Panama, no doubt, an expression of her enthusiasm to travel.
After a 3 hour flight, we arrive in Panama, and experience a brief hassle passing through Customs, as we have not paid the appropriate fees, and filled out the appropriate forms. After accomplishing the requisite entry requirements, we are happily rewarded by the standard “sledge hammer” stamp to our passports, and entry permissions. Our rental car awaits, a Dodge Caravan, where we accomplish another load out, right UP to the surfboards on the racks. We wind through Panama City in trail of Tia Rachel’s Tia, searching for Nueva Napoli. It is located in OBarrio, and we find the restaurant, which is guarded by an armed security guard. After speaking with the “Watchie Man”, I can enter Napolis safely knowing the surfboards will be well watched for as we dine. Napolis pizza is as yummy as ever, especially when washed down with a Central American Coca Cola, which somehow tastes sweeter than Stateside.
After a nice meal, we are ready to proceed to old Canal Zone, and find the Panama Vacation Quarters on Quarry heights. Throughout the drive into CZ, Rebecca and Christina reminisce about the old days, and we are all amazed to see the size of the container terminal which has been constructed in Balboa. I see the same street I walked down 25 years ago, upon going ashore off the U.S. Lines ship, American Leader as a cadet from the USMMA. Who would’ve known that my future, loving wife was living just a few short blocks away in La Boca.
We arrive at the PVQ (Panama Vacation Quarters), and make haste to bed as the kids are travel weary, and Rachel P is “off the hook” as she cries stating, “I don’t like anything about this place” over and over through fits of sobbing. A symptom of a long, fatiguing day of travel.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Dylan tears it UP!!
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